Sieveking stopped Vaccinating for granted – until his girlfriend became pregnant

Guest author David Sieveking was convinced for a long time that children should be vaccinated in any case – until he got himself a daughter. The doubts of his girlfriend brought him to Think.

A German autumn and the fear: The infectious season is in front of the door and the cabinets in the physician offices are stocked with fresh vaccines, but some parents hesitate. Health authorities fear this Impfangst of the population. For opponents, in turn, the omnipotence of the pharmaceutical industry is the true nightmare. The industry, meanwhile, has a fear of discussions that revolve around Impfkomplikationen and vaccine damage, because that could damage the sales of their products. And the Doctors are afraid in the case of a non-Standard vaccinations of their patients, the wrath of their colleagues and professional associations. The big media are afraid to give Impfkritik room, in order not to be for falling vaccination rates.

The Impfbereitschaft of the population, could diseases (some of which are as good as extinct) to erupt again. So Impfbefürworter about Impfverweigerer as anti-social ranting freeloaders and calling for compulsory vaccination, while opponents suspect that behind all the corrupt greed for money and Vaccinate as a personal injury condemn. Maximum polarisation, communication is no longer possible. The discussion is characterised by misunderstanding, angry polemics and false blame.

About the guest author

David Sieveking was born in 1977 in Friedberg. He is a filmmaker and author. Today, he lives with his family in Berlin. On the subject of Vaccination, he shot the documentary “Instilled” and a book written. The family is the father, the question of whether children should get immunizations or not.

My partner had a great fear of side effects

I originally had at all Worried about the Vaccinated and kept clean so, of course, like teeth, until my friend Jessica was pregnant. At one time we had a Problem because my partner had a great fear of side effects of vaccinations. I wanted to follow the advice of the Doctors and feared, rather, through the Vaccination-preventable diseases.

High pregnant I was sitting one night on the bed, hunched over your Smartphone. She reads on the pages of the Robert Koch-Institute possible risks of upcoming vaccinations for our child, because of your Doctor there was, unfortunately, only little Information.

In order to solve our conflict, also began research I to. It was clear to me that in the school of medicine is broad agreement that Vaccination is important and the risks are classified against the benefits of vaccination as a slightly. But given the now low level of threat posed by infectious diseases, and the flood of laymen easily accessible impfkritischen information, I learned to Fear very soon.

Dead – or live-virus vaccinations

Especially on the Internet, you come across a horror Cabinet of possible vaccine damage, you device, of course, quickly on very dubious sources. I held myself so dear to reputable scientists, the impfkritische research and, for example, the harmful potential of aluminum salts are investigating the find as an additive in the so-called Totimpfungen use.

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I was able to my through in-depth research (newly created) Impfängste again overcome and a differentiated attitude to develop. At the end of my Research, I even became a staunch supporter of the so-called live vaccines. The vaccines, which contain weakened, but still capable of propagation pathogens, such as vaccination against measles, Mumps and rubella. A variety of studies has shown that live vaccines not only from the diseases that protecting, against which they were developed, but the Vaccinated total resistance to make more competitive against other diseases.

You have to train, apparently, our immune system on a broad Basis, so that we stand health better. This so-called nonspecific effect of the vaccination is already recognised by the world health organization and is an exciting field in which much research is being conducted.

Impfkritische physicians are vilified as opponents

As a young father I had to justify myself then all of a sudden to applied parents, because my daughter was not vaccinated against measles. Not an easy Situation, especially when it is itself uncertain and critical attitude of one’s own partner is not full of Conviction.

I have written about our private conflict of a book and a Film, carefully and thoroughly researched. Both should be a call to think for yourself and to ask the right questions, to cling rather than to the supposedly definitive answers.

No scientist comes to a word, the Vaccination as a matter of principle, but all of the complaining that you were attacked because of their part impfkritischen research results massively from the Mainstream of physicians and opponents defamed. Thus, they had difficulties to publish their Work, and not to Finance your research, it’s about the Vaccination to abolish, but to improve. This shows how unscientific it is to the vaccination discourse is received and how political the subject is occupied.