Wood smoke from the fires harm the immune system

American scientists from the University of North Carolina at chapel hill, said that wood smoke can harm the respiratory immune system of people. The researchers stated that the effect of smoke depends greatly on the floor.

Experiments scientists have shown that wood smoke can enhance the immune response in men, while in women, on the contrary, weakens. Perhaps this is somehow related to the distribution of “gender roles” in society of ancient humans, scientists believe. Once women spent fire lot of time, and produced by the body reaction in the form of weakening of the immune response allowed him to defend against inflammation. Also, experts do not exclude that the difference in the impacts of smoke from fires on the men and women explain the differences in the hormonal level.

The scientists noted that in earlier tests on the effects of wood smoke was obtained “averaged result” is, in their opinion, wrong. The researchers believe that the aspects of the influence of certain stimuli on the human must take into account the sex factor.

Результатыданногоисследованияопубликоваламегісап Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.

Earlier Magicforum wrote about what products you need to look for the most important for immunity vitamins in the season the incidence of colds and flu.