There is a special place in hell for the doctors
HPV vaccine is safe, says cancer agency, slams ‘unfounded rumours’
Electron micrograph of a negatively stained human papilloma virus (HPV)
Erectile dysfunction drug overdose caused man's 'debilitating' vision problems, study says
The man reportedly experienced “debilitating night blindness," among other issues.
Oklahoma toddler who survived cancer requires surgery for abnormally sized tongue, mom says
The Oklahoma toddler has a rare condition known as Beckwith-Wiedemann
UPS Says It Will Shred Kids' Letters to Santa, is Apparently the Grinch
Intentions aren’t always clear on the internet, right? It’s so
Pennsylvania mom says daughter ‘screamed bloody murder’ after touching poisonous caterpillar
Close-up of a hickory tussock moth caterpillar on a branch.
Wearable tech becomes top fitness trend for 2019, says survey of health and fitness professionals
Fitness trackers, smart watches, and other wearable technology are the
Too much sleep bad for brain, study says
Preliminary results from the world’s largest sleep study have shown
Scientists have called the real cause of atherosclerosis
The cause of plaque formation and loss of flexibility of
Trump Says 'Think of Your Son' — Are We Doomed to Bystander Abuse Post-Kavanaugh?
“Think of your son,” Donald Trump said this week as