Celebrities who hate each other

Stars are people too, so they can experience other hateful feelings. Today we tell about these celebrities who just can’t stand each other.

Madonna and Lady Gaga

Early in his career, Lady Gaga has been dubbed the “second Madonna”. First Madonna reacted to this rather calmly, considering that imitation is the best flattery. But in 2011, he accused Gaga of plagiarism after the release of the song Born This Way which was considered to be a copy of her song Express Yourself.

“I think she often works with an eye on me. It’s nice and quite flattering. When I heard a song on the radio, then immediately said that it sounds very familiar,” — said Madonna.
She noted that song of Lady Gaga done at a high level.

However, Lady Gaga believes such statements extremely offensive and does not want to put up with this circumstance. She denies any hint of imitation, and considers himself one of a kind and a unique artist.

Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams

Fans of “the notebook,” in which the actors played burning love to each other, I can’t believe that between Rachel and Ryan actually feud. The reasons for such hatred is not called. But on the set of the aforementioned film was difficult, the Directors even wanted to hire other artists at the insistence of the actors.

“Maybe I shouldn’t talk about it, but they never really got along on set. More precisely, it didn’t get along. Ryan comes up to me during filming one of the scenes, and says, “Nick, maybe take her out and get another actress?”. I said, “What?” and he said: “I can’t, nothing happens with it,” said the Director.
Some of the scenes ended in tantrums and scandals.

“Nick, please, take her! I can’t see it! I have nothing it will not work. Ask someone to play with me instead, and even better call all the other actress!” — asked Ryan Director.
But a quarrel on the set in some way helped acting — because the couple were often fighting on the plot of the film, so their feelings at such moments, the majority were fake. However, Rachel and Ryan were able to overcome hatred and to play so that everybody believed in their love.

Justin Bieber and Orlando bloom

Reason for bad blood between bloom and Bieber was not until 2012. But then the singer was spotted with then-wife bloom and Miranda Kerr. To take revenge on Bieber, Orlando spent the evening with Selena Gomez, which was then met with Bieber. And in 2014 Orlando fight with Justin during his dinner with Leonardo DiCaprio. The strike was provoked by Bieber, who indecently spoke about Miranda.

“She was good,” he whispered to Bieber Orlando, hinting at sex with his ex-wife bloom.
As a result, Orlando has rushed with fists on Bieber, who delighted the audience. After that Justin Bieber called offender “vile Legolas”. It has been many years after the scandal broke, and men are still not reconciled. And, it seems, are not collected.

Katy Perry and Taylor swift

The singer became famous when they were both 20. In the secular parties they always appeared together. Dubbed them best friends. Perry repeatedly said that creativity loves swift, and she answered her back. They constantly talked in public and on social networks. It was immediately clear — the friendship forever. Even the fact that Katie got together with guitarist John Majoram, which previously had signs of attention Taylor, did not bother the last.

The feud between the girls became known only in 2014, when Taylor released the song Bad Blood, which translated to English means “quarrel” or “strife.” The singer admitted that the song is dedicated to the artist with which she had seriously soured relations.

“For many years I could not understand, we are friends or what. She could come after some little prize, to say something and leave, and I couldn’t understand, we’re friends at all she just treated me so rudely, as no one in life?” — told Taylor the Rolling Stones.
It turned out that the girls did not share dancers in 2011. Taylor swift was hired for his tour to celebrate the release of the album dancers Katy Perry, who went on tour with her. In the midst of a tour Manager Katie called the guys to ask to take their part in the new show. They immediately left the company swift. Later it turned out that the dancers are accustomed to performances with Perry and they became like a native. It is also known that the former Taylor was Dating Katy Perry. In any case no one recognizes who was the cause of the conflict, but until the singer avoided contact with each other.

In may 2018, the singer decided to make peace. The first lost to Katie, who sent a former girlfriend a real olive branch, and the letter begins, “Dear old friend”. Taylor admitted that this gift means a lot to her. Girls again renewed communication, so soon, perhaps viewers will be able to see out in public together.

Megan Fox and Michael Bay

Megan Fox behaves sometimes extremely rude to Michael Bay, even though his part no ill no. The fact that she was fired from the project “transformers” after she called Bay a “real Hitler”. However, she is oblivious to the fact that the dismissal has appointed Steven Spielberg, angered by her behavior on the set.

“You know, after about Hitler Steven said, fire her right now,” said Michael Bay after the scandal.
A couple of years, the relationship between actress and Director was strained, but recently it became known that the feud seems to have gone. Megan even starred in the films Bay, which the fans decided that the relationship between them was adjusted.