Danish scientists from Copenhagen University found a link between early mortality and azoospermia – absence of sperm in the seminal fluid in men. The average life expectancy in men with azoospermia is only 48.8 years, found the researchers.
The impact of infertility on the life expectancy of men, the experts found, after analyzing the data of 50 thousand men, who were treated in clinics in Denmark from 2006 to 2015. As a result, scientists concluded that “fertility is an indicator of male health in General.” The most disturbing marker of poor body condition and low life expectancy is azoospermia, believe the researchers. In their view, men with this diagnosis should undergo a full health examination.
Men whose health was monitored in the framework of the project were divided into several groups. The first group included men with azoospermia,the second men with oligospermia (reduced sperm concentration) in the third men with normal sperm counts in the ejaculate, fourth in men after vasectomy, in the fifth – men with other fertility problems. It turned out that men from the first group more than others prone to early death – they often die before the age of 50 years.
“The risk of dying before they reach old age, in men with azoospermia twice higher than the rest. Most of the men with azoospermia die from cancer or cardiovascular disease,” stated the authors.
Scientists believe that infertility is associated with high mortality risk due to genetic factors. This issue requires further research, said they.
Earlier Magicforum wrote that scientists had discovered the gene, inclusion of which leads to the development in men of impotence.