Taste buds, as it turned out, not only affect eating habits, but also on life expectancy. Note that most people are able to distinguish only four tastes (bitter, sweet, salty and sour), some recognize the fifth taste (minds).
A study in which it was concluded about the relationship between the sensitivity of the taste buds and the lifetime of the organism, carried out by scientists from the University of Michigan, Wayne University and the Institute for biomedical research Friedrich Misera. The experiment they conducted on fruit flies.
Experts have discovered: on the life expectancy of insects negatively affected bitter taste, whereas sweet taste flies extended their existence. The ability to determine the taste of the water also did experimental insects long – their life span is increased by 35%.
Applying the received data to human health, experts said that the perception of different flavors can be an important factor for human health – the higher the sensitivity of the taste buds, the greater the probability to keep good health and live in this world long enough. In turn, the loss of taste is often a marker of dangerous diseases, undesirable and fraught with consequences of physiological changes.
Earlier Magicforum wrote about the fact that scientists appreciated the frequent desire to sleep during the day as a harbinger of deadly disease.