The trunks of the Siberian and far Eastern larches contain volatile substances that can stimulate the body more active in the fight against cardiovascular diseases, – such conclusion was made by Russian scientists from the Institute of theoretical and experimental Biophysics, Russian Academy of Sciences. It turned out that the substance of the larch block the enzyme that activates the development of diseases of heart and vessels.
Russian researchers have observed the processes that occur in the cells of the blood vessels of the rats that survived the radiation exposure. According to experts, in such circumstances, the body begins to produce large quantities of molecules of APF, and that reproduction stimulates the growth of oxidant – substances that damage the vascular walls and DNA of their cells.
However, in the wood of larch trees has been found flavonoid dihydroquercetin has a strong antioxidant effect. This component, as it turned out, able to block the activity of molecules of the enzyme, and to suppress action suicidal for vascular oxidant.
Flavonoids are connections that are included with different plants. According to studies, many of them can be antioxidant, anti-allergenic, and even anti-cancer properties. The authors of this project argue that the flavonoid of the larch when checking flavonoides from several plant sources have shown themselves as the most powerful healing of the vascular tissue substance.
Earlier Magicforum wrote about what simple rules provide vessels protection from the deadly disease.