Established drug that blocks the development of cancer

It seems that the scientists found on Board one of the deadliest types of cancer. Trials of a new drug was carried out by the non-profit hospital Los Angeles, Cedars-Sinai, reported edition of Naked Science. The cure that fights cancer of the pancreas, called Metavert.

The results of the tests conducted on mice show that the new medication the drug stops the growth and “off” bias resistance in cancer cells. On average, patients animal medicine have helped to increase the survival rate by 50 percent. It also appeared that under the influence of the drug ostanovilsya effective chemotherapy.

According to co-author research Dibom Eldercare, the following tests Metavert will be held with the participation of the people. The scientist noted that the data obtained in the experiment with animals, give a lot of hope on patients with pancreatic cancer, doctors will also be able to prolong survival.

“If the results are confirmed, we will have the drug to extend the lives of patients with adenocarcinoma, which is now very difficult to treat,” – said the expert.
Pancreatic cancer ranked 12th in the world among the most frequent types of cancer. It has the highest mortality and the science is still not very clear why this might be the aggressiveness of the disease, which is characterized by extremely rapid metastasis.

Earlier Magicforum wrote that scientists have observed a link between gum disease and a tendency to cancer of the pancreas.