By 2050, superbugs will become more dangerous than cancer and diabetes

The so-called superbugs by 2050 will kill more people than tumors and diabetes. This will be the case if mankind has nothing to do with the epidemic of antibiotic resistance.

British experts believe that the superbugs by 2050 will take more lives than the malignant tumors and diabetes. Magicforum recalls that the superbugs are called pathogens that have developed antibiotic resistance and is not susceptible to these drugs. Superbugs can cause a variety of ailments ranging from sinusitis and ending with blood poisoning and pneumonia. But if you had all of these ailments respond to treatment with antibiotics, in the case of superbugs, they become incurable and lead patients to death, if their own immune system is not wins over disease. Superbugs return us to the era before the invention of antibiotics, when humanity is decimated by such diseases as syphilis, tuberculosis and pneumonia.

Experts believe that the most common surgical operations in hospitals becomes dangerous for life, if antibiotics cease to be effective. The crisis of antibiotic resistance is gaining momentum, medicines lose their effect and cease to deal with the most common infections. Today of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in the UK die in 5,000 people a year, and in Europe for 25 000. However, experts believe that the next 30 years, that number worldwide will rise to 10 million people.

In order to curb this crisis, it is necessary to drastically reduce the use of antibiotics. First and foremost, they must be sold in pharmacies by prescription only, and doctors should prescribe them in cases of emergency, but not for the prevention of certain diseases. Only then the scientists will have time to synthesize new antibiotics before bacteria develop the resistance. (READ MORE)