A woman with a giant tumor could not be treated because of fear of doctors

53-year-old resident of Singapore had such a large tumor that this prevented her not only to move but to breathe. However, the woman refused to seek medical help – she was terrified of the surgery.

The story of the owner of a giant tumor told the publication Live Science. The publication notes that the Singapore education patient weighed 28 pounds, while from a medical point of view, the tumor is a giant already weighs over 11 pounds.

Doctors say that we can only guess how long the tumor was in the body of a woman – according to their estimates, at least she can grow in the body for five years. The woman in his own words experienced from the presence of education in its body of any physiological discomfort. Experts estimate that as a sign that the tumor growth was very slow.

Ask for help to the doctors Singapore decided only after completely lost the ability to move. Like a great pumpkin education in the cavity of her abdomen was a fibroid of the uterus. The tumor has spread to the entire abdominal and pelvic cavity, and its tip rested against the lower part of the sternum, which did not give the woman to breathe normally. But even panting, she six months could not bring myself to go to the doctors: according to the heroine of the story, she knew that her will to operate, and could not overcome his fear.

In terms of a giant fibroid, surgeons also had to remove from his patient’s unusual the uterus and ovaries. Now she is in stable condition.

Earlier Magicforum wrote about the history of British women Rachel Sidell that was able to lose 44 pounds, abandoning the constant use of your favorite mayonnaise.