The researchers came to the conclusion that the use of aspirin in small doses, helps in the treatment of cancer, this was reported by MedicalXpress. Before coming to this conclusion, scientists (the staff of Cardiff University in the UK) reviewed the history of the disease 520 000 patients with various types of cancer.
It turned out that the well-known aspirin still effective in dealing with malignant tumors – who take this medicine patients mortality by 20-30% inferior to the figures of patients who did not. Previously, scientists examined data obtained in the course of the research, which involved 120 thousand patients with cancer of the bowel, breast or prostate taking a small amount of aspirin and 400 thousand, who were not his patients.
According to scientific experts, “the positive effect of aspirin was observed as in the case of more common and rare forms of cancer”. Previously voiced the opinion that prophylactic aspirin use can be complicated by bleeding. Speaking about the side effects associated with taking this drug, the study authors noted: the number of patients who have continued bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract, was not more than the number of people who were not taking aspirin but suffered from hemorrhages in the gastrointestinal tract for other reasons.
“Aspirin has proved effective as medication in preventing stroke, heart disease, and even cancer, but now we can say that this drug helps in the treatment of malignant tumors,” concluded lead author of the project, Professor Peter Elwood.
However, he also noted that the evidence about the possible benefits of aspirin obtained in the course of observational studies and is not suitable for identifying causal relationships – for a more complete picture it is necessary to conduct medical experiments.
Earlier Magicforum wrote that scientists have found a safe alternative to chemotherapy.