A new way to rescue the brain from Alzheimer’s

Staff at the Mayo clinic in the United States failed during the experiment with mice to stop the death of neurons in the brain, leading to dementia, as reported on the portal MedicalXpress. To do this, scientists had to “hack” the algorithm of aging of the brain and understand how it is possible to prevent the emergence in Nestorius cells.

Scientific trials were involved in genetically modified mice, the brain which was affected by Alzheimer’s disease. In particular, in the brain of these animals intensively accumulate Tau protein, forming neurofibrillary tangles, which are a determining factor in the occurrence of neurodegenerative disorders.

Scientists have discovered that the development of the pathological processes associated with dementia, promotes aging cells of the Central nervous system. These cells do not die completely, but also cannot function normally – they stop dividing and no longer produce anti-inflammatory compounds that protect the brain from damage. When the researchers were able to block the process of reproduction in the brain of mice these old cells stopped and the processes leading to his death.

The study authors found that aging of the CNS cells are divided into two types – microglia and astrocytes. During the experiments, scientists decided to test what would happen if the brains of mice to delete the old astrocytes and microglia. It turned out that after removal of these cells animals (even susceptible to Alzheimer’s disease), retained the ability to form memories. In addition, they no longer observed the signs of inflammation and no increased neurofibrillary tangles. Thus, the neurodegeneration was reversed.

“We found that elimination of senescent cells in older mice increases their lifespan,” – said the scientists.
Earlier Magicforum wrote that scientists had discovered the mechanism of sudden cardiac arrest.