What products to search for the most desired fall vitamins

Supplying the body a wide range of vitamins and minerals, we provide their health more protection from diseases. Now, prior to the mass infection of influenza and SARS, experts advise carefully to follow the diet.

According to the doctor, Victoria Savitskaya, proper nutrition, a balanced diet and moderate exercise – this is the complex which helps to withstand season diseases. The expert noted: ideally, the diet should be 60-70% composed of herbal products, as they are the source of the greatest amount required to protect from viruses minerals. Also in the menu should include cereals, oils, meat and dairy products.

One of the most valuable fall vitamins – B1 (thiamine). This substance protects the nerves, sohranyaetsya mind and good memory, as paigaldamisega of kletochnogo. In modern conditions, the metabolic vitamin B1 is expressed in the emergence of depression, irritability, insomnia, fatigue. Foods that contain thiamine, scientists recommend eating daily. B1 is found in dairy products, various cereals, peas.

All dairy products, white and red meat, offal, buckwheat, oats, and legumes are rich in vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) which plays an important role in maintaining human health. The biological role of Riboflavin is determined by the occurrence of its derivatives (coenzymes) part of a large number of important redox enzymes. From its normal concentration depends on the condition of the skin, nails and hair.

Fish, chicken, beans, potatoes, bell peppers are sources of vitamin B6 (pyrodixine). This substance has a range of useful properties, and solves a variety of tasks, but its main function is to ensure the exchange of amino acids, which are used to build proteins. Reserves of vitamin B6 in the body prevents the sharp fluctuations of glucose levels in the blood, normalizes metabolism in tissues of the brain, improves memory.

Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) found in oily fish, meat and offal. It affects the state of the fast-regenerating tissues – blood, immune system, skin and mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract. Also brings invaluable in the formation of nerve fibers and has a positive effect on metabolism, movement of lipids and carbohydrates in the body.

Of course, in the season of rampant viruses can not do without vitamin C. Its reserves in the body well makes up for the infusion of rose hips. In addition. vitamin C in large quantity of soderjitsya currant, sea buckthorn, citrus, green onions, green peas, apples, and sauerkraut. Vitamin C is the most affordable for a person an antioxidant that is capable of influencing the immune system, strengthening it. Also vitamin C protects from ageing.

Another critical for immune status nutrient is vitamin D. In combination with other vitamins it strengthens the immune system and is an excellent preventive measure against colds. To get it, the doctor advises to include in the menu, omelettes, cod liver, butter.

In addition, in autumn and winter it is important to get enough vitamin A (retinol). Vitamin a enhances immunity: it protects people from colds and infections, prevents many diseases of the digestive, cardiovascular and urogenital systems, increases the level of “good” cholesterol and reducing “harmful”. Being a natural antioxidant, it slows the aging process, accelerates the healing of tissues, prevents the development of cancer.

“To prevent vitamin A deficiency, on the table should always present dishes from the liver, red fruits and vegetables, oils of animal origin”, – gave advice to the specialist.
Earlier Magicforum wrote, codesave pumpkin can be a real “natural cure” for hypertension.