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What is not recommended is in the morning
What foods not to eat for Breakfast?
Breakfast is an important component of the diet. From what you eat in the morning may depend on your mood, your health and the condition of your pieces in the future. A proper Breakfast can solve many problems and wrong will create problems for the whole day. Too light Breakfast quickly return the feeling of hunger that can trigger overeating. A too heavy Breakfast can deprive of energy, make you feel overwhelmed, and can also lead to problems with digestion. Therefore, it is important to know what you should eat immediately after lifting, what should be deleted. In this case, a list of useful products in sufficient detail so Breakfast can be varied. Magicforum decided to find out what it is worth is to feel good, not to gain weight and to have energy enough for the day.
What is not recommended is in the morning
Nutritionistslong debate that must be eaten in the morning to throughout the day to stay fresh and good? Some say that the Breakfast for women should be “French”, i.e. consist of a Cup of coffee, croissant with jam and juice. For men “English” – oatmeal, boiled egg or scrambled eggs with bacon, toast with butter. Other that everything is possible, but in moderation.
And dietitian Elena Solomatina does not think so, she says that Breakfast should be the following:
– hearty and nutritious
– consist of the “right” carbohydrates with slow absorption speed (porridge of buckwheat, millet, oats, rice), resulting in the man is full of strength, energy, longer performance
– to exclude food which consists of fast carbs (white bread, pastries, jam, biscuits), as they are digested instantly, the body is exhausted and will soon want to eat.
– eat foods with a high content of protein (cottage cheese, cheese, eggs) is a must, especially for people with overweight
What foods not to eat for Breakfast?
1. Jams and fruits with a high sugar content
When hit in the mouth with fruit and jams, the sugar contained in these products, immediately starts to be broken down in minutes, the absorption occurs in the intestine, where, under the action of enzymes, complex carbohydrates are converted to glucose. After its absorption in the blood begins to produce insulin, which leads to a sharp decline in the level of glucose in the blood. A vicious circle. Because of this people during the day, feeling sluggish, overwhelmed, reduced activity, as it manifests a false sense of hunger, the consequences of which can be overeating. Besides, if glucose is not needed at the moment in the muscles, it goes to fat stores.
So, for example, eaten for dinner the pear will be much more useful than for Breakfast. Besides the fact that it is rich in sugar, contains in its composition of cellulose, which is also a carbohydrate, but the chemical composition is different. It is not digested by the body due to the lack of necessary enzymes and does not provide any energy that is so necessary in the morning. This also applies to banana and persimmon.
2. White bread, cookies, pastries
The more a person uses productswith a high content of glucose, the higher the chances to gain weight because sugar is deposited in the form of glycogen in the liver. But if its reserves exceed the norm, then eaten sugar forms fat deposits on the abdomen and thighs. All this in bakery, flour products contain yeast sources of gastric gases. Hence, flatulence, bloating, fermentation in the stomach, and other unpleasant feelings.
3. Yogurt
Occupies the top place among the products consumed at Breakfast. Dairy products are a source of live lactic acid bacteria and bifidobacteria. Because in the morning your stomach is empty, all these cultures will be useful
disintegrated in gastric juice. Therefore, the use of yogurt in the morning is no will, but harm too. These products are best to use before bedtime.
4. Sausages
The composition of even the most low-calorie sausage includes a small amount of meat a larger percentage is fat, and soy protein emulsion(waste misoprostole). As well as preservatives, stabilizers (pyrophosphates and triphosphates, sodium nitrite), flavor enhancers, color and smell (monosodium glutamate), food coloring. To extend their shelf life add antibiotics. Better and more useful to eat baked Turkey, boiled breast, or other lean meats.
5. Breakfast
These products are totally depleted, deprived of natural vitamins and minerals. The composition of most of them is palm oil, which is poorly absorbed by the body and eliminated from it hard, as deposited on the walls of the digestive tract, as a result does not absorb other nutrients, gradually leads to the blockage of blood vessels.
6. Muesli, instant porridge
Mueslimade of rolled oats, fresh and dried fruit and candied fruit. But store-bought is very perishable, moldy, they form toxic substances that poison the body.
Cereals, soluble in boiling water, poor in fiber but rich in salt and sugar. This product is a high glycemic index, i.e. it is rapidly digested and absorbed by the body, resulting blood sugar will increase significantly, and this contributes to the rapid energy production, people will not feel satiety, which will lead to the violation of metabolism and activation of the process of formation of fatty deposits in unwanted areas. Such products are best consumed pre-workout, because at your disposal will be high.
7. Fresh juices
You should not drink juice on an empty stomach as it leads to irritation of the stomach, increased acidity, which can lead to the development of gastritis. In addition, fruit juices leach calcium from the tooth enamel and destroy it. But if you want to enjoy fresh juice, you should drink it an hour after Breakfast, before brushing your teeth, you also need to use a straw and drink very quickly, then rinse your mouth.
Previously, doctors told what foods should eat if you want to lose weight.