These tips will help you avoid becoming a victim of obesity

The world celebrates world day against obesity. In this context, the Indian experts identified some tips in lifestyle that will help prevent the accumulation of large amounts of excess weight.

In particular, they recommend every day to drink a Cup of warm water mixed with honey. Consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables, regular physical activity and the abandonment of a large amount of fatty and sweet foods seem obvious recommendations, but no less relevant. In Ayurveda contains advice to eat three times a day. We need a hearty Breakfast followed by a moderate calorie lunch and a light dinner – everything is perfect for the body. Unfortunately, the majority of Russians, the situation is exactly the opposite, we skip Breakfast, eat tightly in the afternoon and we treat ourselves to a lush dinner, and even shortly before bedtime.

Experts stress that Breakfast should be the most dense, because at lunch time, our liver works well. Which means that the body assimilates what it digests. For the same reason, the need to make dinner the lightest meal of the day, it should also be possible to avoid cooked in the microwave foods and foods containing too much sugar and salt. Even sweet fruits like bananas and mangoes should be consumed in moderation.

Physical activity are of great importance in the fight against excess weight. However, if we are working too hard, coming back from the gym with brutal appetite and eat more than we need. Moderate exercise in this regard is much more effective. They can be Hiking, exercise bikes, swimming and just doing housework. Try to move more and sit less, since any movement signify the process of burning extra calories. (READ MORE)