These changes in the diet will help recover after a stroke

Recovery after stroke is very long and complicated process. The doctors talked about what changes in the diet can help such patients.

Victims of strokes during the rehabilitation period need to stick to a healthy diet, which contains dietary fibers in an amount of not less than 35 g per day. Plant foods like fruits and vegetables are rich in phytonutrients and fiber.
Saturated fats should be restricted to a level of 10% of total calories per day.

Adherence to the Mediterranean diet, which is rich in “good” fats contained in nuts like almonds and walnuts, and in fish like trout, mackerel and herring three times a day will be very beneficial to health.

It is necessary to properly prepare food to avoid eating too many calories. They will put additional stress on the body that needs a gentle attitude.

Processed food that contains saturated and TRANS fats such as cakes and ready meals, should be excluded from the diet completely.

Avoid refined sugar and foods that contain a lot of refined carbohydrates like cookies, cakes and pasta.

Keep a healthy weight. The presence of excess weight or obesity increases the risk of other illnesses like diabetes or heart attacks.

Consult with a nutritionist about a personalized diet based on blood tests and your diagnosis.

Observance of all these rules will help to recover faster after a stroke and prevent its recurrence. (READ MORE)