The smart kids can’t play with the phone more than two hours a day

If you want to strengthen the mental capacity of the child, limit the time of use of the TV two hours a day. This also should apply to tablets and smartphones, the study showed.

If parents allow their children to spend more than two hours a day using smartphones or watching TV, thus they have a negative effect on their intelligence, as demonstrated by extensive research. Too much time spent on computer games, social networks or various TV shows, impairs brain development. In General, spending the most amount of time on electronic devices or TVs, children have a 5% decreased cognitive functions than their peers in age from 18 to 11 years old, mom and dad which strictly follow the contact of children with electronics.

The authors of the study believe that screen time does not stimulate the child’s brain in the same way as reading books. Moreover, the obsession with TV, computers and smartphones violates the sleep quality of the child, and this indicator is very important for children’s development. Scientists from Canada insist that modern children should receive a sufficient level of activity, and there must be a balance. Different kinds of activity throughout the day is crucial for brain and cognitive development, and physical development of the child.

Researchers have repeatedly come to the conclusion that binge-watching TV or long periods at the computer negatively affect children and adolescents. Unfortunately, for many moms and dads is a great way to distract the child’s attention and thus get more free time for themselves and their business. Modern children read increasingly reluctant and growing for a generation that does not read almost any books. (READ MORE)