Properties of ginger, which is confirmed by science

Ginger can be brewed as tea, added to dishes in the form of crushed powder, and even sugar. This rich diverse phytochemically product is often called the “home remedy” for the ability to give healing effects for various diseases. But do not think we have exaggerated the benefits of ginger in reality?

What are some of the attributed properties of ginger are willing to accept science? Scientists confirm that ginger is no wonder recommends to combat nausea. The study was conducted in which the effects of ginger and placebo was tested on the cadets of the Navy. It showed that those who consumed ginger showed fewer symptoms of seasickness, including nausea and vomiting.

Also, scientists are not in a hurry to call a myth a theory about the special usefulness of ginger for the heart. According to the results of double-blind controlled clinical study, ginger shows significant hypolipidemic vozdeystvie the organs of the cardiovascular system (i.e., reduces the content threatening thrombosis of triglycerides and cholesterol in the blood compared to placebo). Use of ginger is definitely an effective prevention of atherosclerosis and heart attack, scientists believe.

Another study, which used capsules with dried ginger, has confirmed that this spice plant soothes muscle soreness, triggered by a unusual for a person with physical activity. Analgesic properties of ginger are correlated with its ability to reduce the intensity of inflammation.

In addition, it was found that ginger effectively promotes the loss of excess pounds. Its use increases the thermal effects of food, intensifying the process of energy production by the body and increasing fat consumption for generation, said the researchers. Decreases the need for food, less people to absorb different snacks and calories.

Through research it was established that the ginger component gingerol is able to destroy cancer cells in the breast, and without damaging its toxic effect on normal cells. Also in the laboratory revealed the ability of ginger extract can inhibit (inhibit) tumor growth of pancreatic cancer.

Earlier Magicforum wrote that scientists dispelled the myth about its special benefits for human health of vitamin D.