One day changed three times more likely to do it again

Already changed once partners are three times more likely be solved on repeated adultery. To such conclusion psychologists from the United States.

Do not observe marital fidelity partners, whose relationship is because of this collapse, three times more likely to cheat on their future partners, as the study showed. Thus, once changed, people will change again, even if they themselves don’t believe it. These are the results of a survey of 329 women and 155 men, which was conducted over a five-year period. All the participants in this study were not married. They are regularly questioned about whether they have sexual relationships outside their relationship with the partner with whom they decided “Dating seriously”.

Observations have shown that if a person was decided on adultery, which destroyed his relationship, the risk of repetition the following relationship has grown three times. Once tasted the “sweetness of adultery,” the people could no longer deprive myself of this pleasure in the future, no matter what high moral standards they did not think about that. But those who didn’t cheat on your partner in the first relationship, more often adhered to the same policy in the future.

“This is useful for many reasons, the observation and we would ask you to listen to those who are already Dating men or women, married couples – say the authors of the study. Now you probably think that this marriage will collapse sooner or later, and a loved one will connect with you. But if he ruined the marriage, he will surely destroy and new, so you have absolutely no guarantee that you will remain forever.” (READ MORE)