Lucid dreaming: is it possible to “order” a dream?

Remember the movie “Vanilla sky”? In it the hero Tom cruise turns in a Corporation that freezes the bodies of customers and gives them happy dreams. The people in the dream live the lives that they have chosen.

So, this is not fiction writers. Rather, it is not fiction. The authors took as a basis is quite a scientifically proven phenomenon: a conscious dream. Find out what it is and how it works.

A dream you could control?

Yes, and it happens not so rare. German scientists have found that 50% of people at least once realized that sleep, and 25% regularly see lucid dreams. Some of them are able to cause them on purpose. The latter even together in an online community: there they discuss the methods of management of sleep and decide what to use it for personal development.

The nature of such dreams is not completely clear, but scientists suggest that this kind of failure in the normal functioning of the brain. People like to be asleep and awake at the same time. During a lucid dream work a part of the brain responsible for logical thinking and the use of personal experience. Usually this only happens when we are awake.

What happens in a lucid dream?

First of all, you understand that sleep. And then it all depends on how good you control yourself: some people may be only vaguely aware that it was a dream, the other can fully control the picture. This condition can last from a few seconds to 15 minutes.

Why is it necessary?

  1. It helps to get rid night of nightmares.
  2. The dreamers say that this practice helps to find answers to questions, and creates an incentive for creativity. Indeed, many poets and artists had their works in a dream.
    Salvador Dali was actively using dreams. Feeling the rise dream, he sat down on a chair, put before themselves a metal plate and picked up the spoon. When the artist fell asleep, the spoon fell and interrupted the sleep his ringing. Then the artist began to record who visited images.

I want the same!

Take your time. The idea to rule the world in a dream sounds great, but lucid dreaming is still very poorly understood.

Since the brain may be working as during waking hours, you deprive yourself of proper sleep. What might be the consequences, is not clear, but obviously the constant lack of sleep to anything good will not.

I want it anyway. How to do it?

Well, Australian scientists have found several ways:

  1. Careful to think about the future dream.
  2. Sleep 5 hours then Wake up and to fall asleep again. In this case you need to try to the topic of sleep has not changed.
  3. Repeating the phrase “next time I fall asleep, I will remember I’m dreaming”.

In fact, the Internet techniques and recommendations much more. But these researched and confirmed volunteers. The authors noted that after a week of such practices 8% of subjects were able to see first lucid dream.

Perhaps you yourself have fallen into the borderline between dream and reality. Just was too scared to understand it. Know the feeling when you Wake up and can’t move, and on the chest you have sitting unknown monster? About this phenomenon we say in the article “sleep paralysis or syndrome old witch: scary but not dangerous”.