It’s not a poison: 4 myth of the “terrible” Sahara

Sugar is white death. Corporation us hooked on it like a drug. Candy would rot our teeth, and they cause diabetes. To lose weight, you need to completely give up sweets.

Agree with at least one of the following statements? Then this article is for you.

Myth 1: Sugar is a drug, so we always want to eat something sweet

We like the taste of sugar, and there’s nothing you can do. Biologist John Medina in his book notes that this love is manifested in children even before birth: in the seventh month of pregnancy the fetus increases the swallowing reflex, when mom eats sweet.

And, in contrast to cravings, it’s perfectly natural. So nature encourages us to consume carbohydrates to sustain energy levels and brain function. While sugar does not cause intoxication, so it makes no sense to “get off”. To say otherwise is like saying “water is formed from the addiction, you need to stop drinking the water.”

Where did the horror stories about that craving for sugar is akin to cocaine? The fact that French scientists once conducted an experiment: he tried to convince mice to sweet. And they are hooked. The authors concluded that is produced from sugar addiction is stronger than cocaine.

The results of the study disseminated by the media, but other scientists, the experiment was criticized. The fact that animals were allowed to eat sugar only in a very short period of time – and it provoked the behavior that resembles addiction. If they could have anything, this would not have happened. Before and after the experiment, the experts from different countries conducted research sugar, and none of them confirmed the withdrawal of French authors.

Myth 2: the Brown sugar is more useful white

They differ only in the margin for work marketers. Sugar turns white when the surface grains completely remove nitrogenous compounds, and ash. In the purification process appears brown molasses – and consider the source of nutrients. But actually it is 80% of sucrose and water. Any vitamins and minerals you will not find it.

Myth 3: sugar developing diabetes

Diabetes type 1 is an autoimmune disease. It develops due to the fact that their own antibodies begin to destroy the cells responsible for insulin production. Scientists do not know exactly why this happens, but the sugar here is exactly innocent.

The main causes of type 2 diabetes is the accumulation of fat around the organs that sedentary lifestyle and heredity. Sweets can influence the progression of the disease only indirectly, because if you eat too much you will gain weight.

Myth 4: Sugar spoils the teeth

Tooth decay is not only sugar, but any food which is on the teeth. Therefore, dentists recommend rinsing your mouth after eating and brush teeth regularly.

But what really does harm your smile – so it’s “8 unexpected foods that destroy teeth”.