How a bowl of cereal, could protect against diabetes

Like a bowl of cereal or a piece of rye bread will help to prevent diabetes? Whole grains reduce the risk of developing this dangerous metabolic disease by 34%.

The use of porridge or rye bread on a daily basis reduces the risk of developing diabetes of the second type, as the study showed. Receiving at least 50% whole grain products every day, people are 34% less likely to have experienced this metabolic disorder. Among the healthy products may include wheat, oats, rye, and rice. It is important that all these cereals were just whole grain, that is not passed through intensive processing.

“The results of our study fully correspond to the existing dietary recommendations, say the authors of the Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden. – Many experts today recommend to refuse products made from wheat flour in favor of whole grain products. Fans of these diets, like the Atkins diet, completely ignoring the advantages of cereals. Whole grains have powerful healing effects on the body”.
The researchers made their conclusions based on observations of more than 55,000 people aged 50 to 65 years, which lasted 15 years. Recall that diabetes is divided into the first type, which is hereditary, and the second, that is purchased. In the first case the victims of the disease requires daily insulin injections because their own pancreas produces this hormone. In the second case you can do without the injections, but it requires rigid dietary restrictions. (READ MORE)