Crashed thermometer: what to do?

No need to panic! Tell everything you need to know to avoid mercury fumes.

What not to do

The worst thing you can do is to underestimate the problem. A broken thermometer can poison the whole family: the concentration of mercury vapors in just a few seconds it starts 10-20 times higher than normal. Ventilate the room useless: mercury is dissipated slowly and the next few years the air will remain infected.

Here are a few common mistakes:

  • To leave children and animals in the room. Mercury easily stick to clothes and fur.
  • To collect mercury vacuum cleaner. Hot air will only speed up its evaporation, and the vacuum cleaner will forever turn into the distributor of toxins.
  • Try to clean up mercury with a broom or brush. It will only break it into small drops.
  • Use the duster. She will RUB you with a toxic substance on the floor, and the area of damage will increase.
  • Flush down the toilet or throw it in the trash. Mercury will settle and will poison everyone around you.
  • To wash clothes, which were mercury. The metal deposited on the drum of the washing machine and poison all your stuff.

How to collect mercury

Here is the detailed instruction:

  1. First, expel the household, which will not help you. Then close the door so the pair did not get into the next room. If it’s cold outside, open the window: this will slow down the evaporation process. Just don’t allow drafts to mercury are not scattered at all angles.
  2. Prepare a solution of potassium permanganate (2 grams per liter of water). Wear on feet Shoe covers (ordinary plastic bags are also good), and hands – rubber gloves. Mouth and nose cover medical mask (gauze) soaked in solution.
  3. Take a jar or bottle with a lid, pour in the solution and put the broken thermometer.
  4. Moisten the cotton wool in potassium permanganate and take two sheets of paper. Collect droplets from the corners to the center. Wool push them down on paper, and then swipe in the jar.
    If there is a tape, you can use him: attach him to a place where there is mercury, and tear off.

What to do with a thermometer, a jar and clothing

They need to be sent to a company that recycles mercury (the address will prompt you to the nearest poison control). Call emergency (112) and inform about the issue: you are told what to do. If you are sure that you have cleared the room, you can ask them to come – it’s free. If you are refused, contact a paid service demercurization.

When to consult a doctor

The first symptoms of mercury vapor poisoning can appear within 8 to 24 hours. This:

  • weakness;
  • the lack of appetite;
  • headache;
  • the pain when swallowing;
  • a metallic taste in your mouth;
  • salivating;
  • swelling and bleeding gums;
  • abdominal pain;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • diarrhea.

Another hidden danger in your house – plants in pots. Don’t believe? Read the article “Can house plants harmful to health?”.