This fruit is appearing on the shelves in the middle of autumn, has the ability to stabilize blood pressure, claim scientists. But its use is recommended not only for hypertensive patients – this product helps support immunity and resist melancholy, and make them look better.
Scientists have stated that in cardiovascular pathologies indispensable persimmon. It contains substances (e.g., vitamins P and C), which improve the condition of vascular tissues, strengthen blood vessels and help stabilize blood pressure and ensure prevention of atherosclerosis.
Also persimmon is useful for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases due to the fact that its fruit so contain useful for patients with potassium and magnesium.
“Magnesium in the composition of persimmon relaxes the muscles and activates the unnecessary cholesterol from blood vessels. The amount of magnesium persimmon is one of the first”, told health care providers.
Persimmon, in particular, they suggest to use for people suffering from angina. Its fruits strengthen the heart muscle and contribute to, thanks to magnesium and potassium, more active flow to the heart oxygen. Another effect of persimmon – prevent expansion of the walls of the heart in arterial hypertension.
In addition, the persimmon gives a diuretic effect. Useful not only fruit but also juice from the product. Iron in its composition struggling with the development of anemia. Suffering from anemia, experts recommend to drink a glass of persimmon juice and or eat two fruit a day.
Also doctors advise to use persimmon in heart failure, and tachycardia. Earlier Magicforum wrote, who else but the core, need to eat regularly persimmon.