10,000 steps a day – do you want it?

Fitness instructors, bloggers and even apps for smartphones – everybody says that in the day you need to take at least 10 thousand steps. But what’s with the figure? Where did it come from and is it necessary for her to navigate? Let’s deal.

Why 10 thousand, not 8 or perhaps 12?

For the first time this figure has appeared in commercials for one of the first pedometers back in 1964. He was called “meter 10,000 steps”.

Young scientist Yoshiro Hatano of Japan is concerned that his countrymen have little to move. Hatano estimated that the Japanese need to take 10 thousand steps a day instead of 4 regular: so they will burn about an extra 500 calories.

Researcher of Japanese culture from Harvard’s Theodore Bestor says that in Japan the numbers have special meaning. It is believed that they can bring good luck. The number 10 000 looks nice and solid, which could be why the system is “10,000 steps” and received such a marketing success.

What the scientists say now?

This is a too generic value. We all have different body and way of life – therefore, the American experts believe that this system is rather injurious to health. For people who basically don’t move at all, and 5,000 steps a day can be challenging. And then they need to go directly to 10: after a couple days of this experiment, they will simply fall on the couch with itchy feet and throw their fitness tracker in the window.

But if you start gradually, then eventually the system can benefit. Just try every day to pass a little longer, and then you will reach the cherished numbers without loss of health. Of course, if you have no contraindications to the long walk.

Why is this useful?

Research scientists from Cambridge University shows that the risk of early death is reduced by 20-30% when a person leads an active lifestyle. Importantly, he was a regular and not choppy more useful to pass the 5 000 steps every day, sometimes 15,000. And by itself, walking is not enough: it is necessary to keep the body tone in different ways. For example, the gym 3 times a week, Cycling on the weekends and walk every day – then your body will appreciate your efforts.

As for the figure, then walk 10 000 steps is a great way to burn extra calories. But it has little meaning unless you immediately fill their Burger: it’s important to eat a balanced and do not exceed my quota of calories.

And what is the result?

Do you need those 10,000 steps is a matter of your free time, your health and lifestyle. There is no sense to pass them by force: if, after exhausting working day and workout at the gym, your smartphone requires you to do 5,000 steps, just turn it off.

But if you like walking, you are young, healthy and want to lead an active lifestyle, then 10,000 steps every day – this is quite a worthy goal. Close this tab and go for a walk in the Park.

Even more motivation to move more – in the article “more Harmful than alcohol and cigarettes: how dangerous is a sedentary lifestyle and how to deal with it?”.