10 most healthy foods simple

The ranking of the most useful products were composed by experts from the European Association of nutritionists and gastroenterologists. The first place it took the tomatoes.

Tomatoes are recognized as one of the most useful produktov in the world due to the content from a very large amount of active antioxidant lycopene, fiber and potassium – this combination of nutrients helps to lower blood pressure, and enhance immunity against cancer cells.

In second place – oatmeal: source of plant protein, fiber, b vitamins, soluble dietary fibers. Oatmeal experts suggest 1-2 times a week, porridge made from oats helps to protect from pressure surges, stimulates cleansing the body of toxins.

Also in the list of most healthy part of the fruit, the use of which improves health of blood vessels, accelerates the metabolism and helps not to gain weight, as well as the grapes, which effectively protects the cardiovascular system from blood clots.

In the fifth place fish and seafood, unparalleled combination of vitamins, minerals and valuable fatty acids, which improve the condition of blood vessels and arteries. The sixth – broccoli, healthy, liver, and gastrointestinal tract, is extremely useful for nervous disorders and contains a substance efficiently fighting tumor cells.

Among the most useful in the world joined and avocado, which is due to the content of particular fatty acids have a positive effect on the brain, make stronger blood vessels and heart, improves regulation of blood sugar levels. In addition, doctors believe it is necessary to eat at least 4 eggs a week. Substances contained in this product help to neutralize the damage to the body environment and helps to slow down aging.

Also among the “most-most” were garlic and olive oil. The use of garlic has a beneficial effect on hematopoiesis and blood vessels, olive oil effectively lowers the concentration of cholesterol in blood.

Magicforum previously wrote about how simple and affordable product has proven its ability to prolong human life.