The most important rules of caring for cast

Most people sooner or later encounter any fractures, and many are cast. Experienced trauma surgeons from Switzerland spoke about the rules of care for this hard-locking bandage.

Often raise the broken bone above the level of the heart. Gypsum helps stabilize the bone by limiting movements, but this is hard in structure to the bandage, which can lead to edema. And swelling of the arm or leg in a cast causes a sharp pain. That’s why the arm and leg raise is recommended to give blood to go into other areas of the body. If you are lying or sitting long in same position, use special pillows elevating. In the first weeks after the fracture , try to do everything slowly, avoiding even the slightest pressure on the area of the broken bone. If you exercise, then after breaking this can be done only with the permission of the doctor. Ask him if you can engage the muscles located close to the zone of injury.

Pay attention to odors. If your plaster comes a strange aroma, reminiscent of something rotting, to seek medical attention immediately. This smell can be a sign of infection. Follow hygiene procedures and keep the plaster as this will prolong its life, save you from infections and delayed treatment. Do not ignore fever, which occurs because of the fracture. If you have no other symptoms, the temperature does not pass, you still tell the doctor about this. Also don’t ignore the discomfort, symptoms of paralysis, pain, severe swelling, tingling, numbness, burning, in any case. It is not normal signs of the healing process.

Ensure that the plaster is not wet because it can break down due to moisture.If you experience severe itching, it is not necessary to push the inside of the cast some pencil or knitting needle to scratch. You can damage the skin and destabilize the bandage. And of course, the most important rule is that you should not remove your cast yourself in the moment when you feel the bone has healed. The decision is taken solely by the physician. (READ MORE)