American scientists from the University of California found that is the main sign of a happy coexistence of people in pairs report on their work published portal EurekAlert!. The researchers found: the sign of harmony between the two partners – the word “we” which they recite regularly, telling about his life.
Psychologists have conducted 5 interviews 300 people before you make your conclusion.
“The couple, who in conversations with other people saying “we” instead of “I” are happier in a relationship or marriage,” – stated in the result, the authors of the project.
Commenting on the survey results, study leader, psychologist Megan Robbins noted: we is a personal pronoun in the plural, and its use indicates the presence of close ties and mutual trust of the partners. According to the expert, it testifies that “both parties appreciate the partnership above our own selfish priorities.”
According to the researchers, they discovered a pattern true for both young and more Mature couples. Particularly indicative of the use of the pronoun “we” during any conflict or other difficulties in the relationship, said the scientists.
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