Risk factors for breast cancer

Certain changes in DNA can make healthy cells in the breast turn into cancer. DNA is a chemical substance that is in each cell of our body that activates our genes are instructions for how our cells should work. Some inherited DNA changes (mutations) can increase the risk of cancer and cause some hereditary cancers occurring in some families from generation to generation. For example, BRCA1 and BRCA2 are genes that suppress the tumor, to prevent the development of cancer tumors.

When they change (mutate), the probability that cancer will develop increases. But most DNA changes related to breast cancer occur in the cells of the breast during a woman’s life, and not be inherited by birth. Thus, the majority of DNA mutationsthat could cause breast cancer, is unknown.

Although we still don’t know exactly what is the cause of breast cancer, we do know that certain risk factors are associated with this disease. A risk factor is something that increases the likelihood of developing You have such diseases as cancer. Different cancers have different risk factors. Some risk factors such as Smoking, alcohol consumption and diet are related to what the person is doing. Others, such as the person’s age, race, family history are beyond our control and cannot be changed.

But the risk factors telling us not everything. The presence of a risk factor, or even several, does not mean that women will necessarily be breast cancer. Some women who have present one or more risk factors never develop the disease. And many of the women who were ill, absent any risk factors. Some risk factors have a greater impact than others, and your risk of developing breast cancer can change over time in accordance with other factors such as aging or lifestyle.

Although many risk factors can increase Your risk of cancer of the breast, it is still unknown how some of these risk factors cause the degeneration of healthy cells into cancer cells. It seems that in many cases of cancer play a role hormones, but how is this going to end is unclear.

Risk factors that cannot be changed

What you need to know about breast cancer

Risk factors that depend on life style

Unconfirmed risk factors

Is it possible to prevent breast cancer?

Reliable way to prevent breast cancer does not exist. However, there are simple activities that can hold every woman. They can actually reduce the risk of cancer of the breast and help to enhance the chance that if cancer does show up, it is detected at an earlier, better treatable, stage. You can reduce the risk of developing breast cancer by changing those risk factors that depend on You.

If You restrict alcohol consumption, will regularly exercise and maintain a healthy weight, You will reduce the risk of developing breast cancer.

Women who choose breastfeeding duration at least 7 months also reduce your risk of developing breast cancer. A careful balanced approach to the use of hormone replacement therapy after menopause can also help to avoid higher risk of developing breast cancer.

Women are also important to follow the guidelines for early diagnosis of breast cancer.

The AUTHOR and MATERIALS: American society for the fight against cancer and the Us national Cancer Institute

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