Many health insurance companies reimburse the cost of homeopathy. The effect of this natural healing method is scientifically proven, however, insufficient. The Minister of health, Jens Spahn would the cost not change such healing practices, as the sum was low overall.
Federal Minister of health, Jens Spahn (CDU) does not want to touch the controversial assumption of Costs for homeopathic medicinal products by health insurance companies. He referred on Tuesday evening in Berlin at the "Berlin Salon" the editorial network in Germany that the statutory funds in the case of Drug expenditure of around 40 billion euros in the year paid around 20 million for homeopathy.
You could discuss emotionally and many before the head bump. Or one could ask whether it is in the light of the total order value. He had decided that it was "so okay".
Scientific evidence for efficacy is not sufficient
In France, by contrast, homeopathic medicines are not to be reimbursed to ab 2021, because, so the reasoning, the effectiveness of the resources was not scientifically proven to be sufficient. Also in Germany the issue is discussed. Who wants to have such means, should you get "but please not at the expense of the Solidargemeinschaft", had said by the head of the kassenärztliche bundesvereinigung (KBV), Andreas streets. He referred to not sufficient scientific evidence for the effectiveness of.
Homeopathy is not part of the power catalogue of statutory health insurance. However, refund a lot of funds Insured person the cost of treatment for natural remedies, because there is a demand. This is also a tool in the competitive struggle.
Globules against hay fever can have consequences that are hazardous to health