American researchers were able to detect the dependence of a person’s sex life from its growth. Their study showed that owners of high growth is much more positive about the quality of their sexual life compared to the shortest people.
Experts conducted a survey, which was attended by a thousand people. As a result, it was concluded that a person’s sex life can depend on its growth.
“58% of people who rate themselves as high, were totally satisfied with their sex life. Among people who believed that their growth is not high enough average, there were only 54%. Among the stunted – 50%”, – said the researchers obtained data.
The survey also helped to identify the fact that most people think of high growth, this “gift of nature” the advantage is not only in sexual life but in his career. In particular, they spoke about the fact that high professionally more successful than the low – distinguishes their superiors, and they better earn.
It is not surprising that most of the men who took part in the survey (60% ) reported that they would like to have higher growth. A quarter of them even stated that if they had the ability to change your height surgically, they would have done it, not sparing of money. 36% of the women interviewed also expressed a desire that their partners were slightly higher.
“Sexual life does not depend on the growth directly. But it affects the way a person perceives himself, his self-confidence. In this respect, the influence of the growth factor may be carried out indirectly,” said the experts.
Earlier Magicforum wrote, otoczenie was justified the use of morning sex to work.