Doctors believe that not all the products recommended to those who want to lose weight, healthy.
Scientists around the world have been arguing about the benefits and dangers of protein. Some argue that the proteins of vegetable origin is much more useful animal. Others, on the contrary, I believe that without animal protein the human body can not fully work. Scientists from Linda University in California have conducted research in this area and concluded that the diet products containing animal proteins in large quantities, lead to cardiovascular diseases.
More than 80 thousand people took part in the experiment. They were offered two choices of food. More than 60 % chose foods that contain animal protein, but 40% have opted for nuts and grains. After the survey the researchers came to the conclusion that the first group, the risk of getting heart disease is much higher than the second.
It also became apparent that animal protein is a provocateur of stroke and other pathologies. But vegetable protein has beneficial effects on blood vessels and heart. People who use it, have strong blood vessels, and much less likely to have pathology in the heart.
But we must not underestimate the positive effect that will have on the human body animal protein. Just doctors recommend not to use them in large amounts. However, excessive consumption of vegetable protein also affected negatively. Scientists have proven that this can cause infertility and even cause obesity. All necessary measure – that the recommendations of experts in the field of nutrition, the website