Mood disturbance and treatment of bipolar disorder

Affective disorder a group of mental disorders, which are also referred to as mood disorders. According to experts, affective disorders affects about 25% of people, especially in big cities. Unfortunately, not everyone is aware of their problem, while people in this condition needs medical assistance.

Depression, anxiety and bipolar disorder common forms of affective disorders

Most often, professionals are faced with three types of affective disorders:

  • Depression. This disorder is characterized by feeling of severe despondency and hopelessness. Unlike a bad mood, which disappears in a short time, depression is not so easy to get rid of. In depressive disorder disorders arise at the biochemical level. In these situations becomes a real challenge for man, and the hopelessness of the situation forces us to think about suicide. A more mild form of depression is dysthymia. It can bother human years, preventing him to live a full life. Doctors strongly recommend that everyone who is depressed, ask for help to a therapist.
  • Bipolar affective disorder. It is not that other, as the alternating depression and manic episodes. In this case, under delusions is to understand is too high activity and elevated mood. Often the episodes of mania are accompanied by aggression, severe irritability and sometimes delusions. Experts identify several classifications of bipolar affective disorder. In this case, it all depends on the duration of phases of depression and mania, as well as the symptoms of these disorders.
  • Anxiety disorders. Anxiety, worry and fear characteristics of anxiety disorders that keep a person in a state of constant tension. For anxiety disorders the person is constantly waiting for trouble. Sometimes people just can’t find a place and panics.

See also: Mental disorders

Affective disorder symptoms, which should not be missed

Now let’s outline the main symptoms that are inherent to the above-mentioned forms of affective disorders:

  • The symptoms of depression. The first symptom of depression is prolonged sadness. As if the sadness lasts more than 2 weeks, there is a high likelihood of developing a mental disorder requiring treatment. In depression the person loses interest in life, disturbed sleep and appetite. Develops a growing sense of worthlessness, and, in the end, people are thinking about how to settle scores with life.
  • The symptoms of bipolar disorder. The characteristic symptoms of bipolar disorder are mood swings. From the deep sorrow of people in a short time becomes aggressive, irritable and reckless. In extreme cases of bipolar disorder accompanied by delusions and hallucinations.
  • The symptoms of anxiety disorders. Anxiety disorder accompanied by obsessive thoughts and anxiety most of his life. Gradually there are problems with concentration, disturbed sleep and the disruption of the cardiovascular system.

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Treatment of affective disorders without wasting time

If at least one of the above symptoms observed in you or your loved ones, then in any case do not delay the issue indefinitely. And especially, don’t tell the depressed person that he should take himself in hand. We note again that depression and similar disorders are accompanied by changes at the level of biochemistry, and to adjust this process an effort is almost impossible, despite the fact that the man himself is in such condition that will and can be no question. Affective disorders should be treated only by a specialist therapist. Only in this case, you can expect to recover.