The contents
Why is it menstrual cycle?
Types of menstrual disorders
The consequences of menstrual irregularities?
Diagnosis and treatment
Prevention of menstrual disorders
How is the woman’s menstrual cycle, says bluntly about her health. Any failure in this matter have not only certain causes and effects. Because of menstrual disorders as such are not disease, but just say the fairer sex is something wrong. Some women complain of irregular periods, others too rich (or Vice versa) period. But it indicates some pathological processes in the female body.
In this article we will examine the reasons why occur, menstrual disorders and what the consequences might go.
Why is it menstrual cycle?
There are two types of causes arise of menstrual cycle — external and physiological. These include puberty, menopause, pregnancy, lactation. And external are stress, rapid weight loss (or weight gain), endocrine disorders, inflammatory processes in the reproductive system and so on. Let’s call the most common causes of menstrual disorders:
- Inflammation in the ovaries, the uterus or appendages;
- Benign and malignant tumors (cancer, fibroids, cysts, etc.);
- Hormonal imbalance caused by endocrine diseases (e.g., diabetes);
- Hormonal medications;
- A constant stress;
- Frequent abortions;
- Incorrectly installed the intrauterine device, which requires replacement;
- Frequent change in climatic conditions;
- Malnutrition — lack of amino acids, vitamins, minerals may disturb the ovulation process;
- Taking anti-depressants, anticoagulants (prevent blood clotting) drugs for hormone replacement therapy.
Also, together with the failure of the menstrual cycle can cause other problems — pain during menstruation, too profuse, or Vice versa meager selection. Often the cycle can either be shortened (less than 22 days), or continue for more than six months. All of this suggests the need to visit a gynecologist.
Types of menstrual disorders
There are certain types of menstrual cycle:
Amenorrhea – complete absence of menstruation for three months or more.
Hypermenorrhea – menses too profuse, but come on schedule and lasted the same number of days.
Hypomenorrhea very scanty menses, though, and come regularly.
Menorrhagia – heavy periods that last longer than a week, come regularly.
Polimenorea – menstruation lasts more than a week, but no heavy flow days.
Oligomenorrhea – last less than three days, the amount of discharge is normal, the regularity is not disturbed.
Opalneria – rare menstruation (cycle from 36 days to three months), the duration and the amount of bleeding is normal.
Preuminary – frequent menses (cycle less than 21 days), but the duration and amount of bleeding is normal.
Metrorrhagia – uterine bleeding outside the expected menstrual period days, may be of different duration and intensity.
The consequences of menstrual irregularities?
There are quite dangerous consequences of violations of the menstrual cycle. These include:
- Physical and moral exhaustion of the fair sex. If periods come too often, the inevitable severe fatigue, fatigue, lack of energy and desire to do anything. May be lost even performance.
- Infertility or inability to bear a child.
- The development of various pathologies, if crashing in a loop caused by sexual infections, tumors and so on. Usually such problems are extremely dangerous to health and life.
- The development of endocrine diseases due to changing hormonal levels.
Diagnosis and treatment
Of course, to determine the exact cause of menstrual cycle disruptions and prescribe treatment can only a doctor. Therefore, in the first place when the violations identified, the woman should immediately contact your gynecologist.
The doctor will need to tell much, because its primary task — history collection. So, the lady will ask what medications she is taking (or took), whether the pregnancy was, how much stress in your life. Then carried out an external inspection. The doctor will determine the normal state of skin, mucous membrane, sclera, no signs of malnutrition or weight gain. A pelvic exam will determine the condition of the genital organs. Also required is a smear.
If necessary, the woman sent for ultrasound of the pelvic organs. If there is no pathology in the uterus and ovaries, you will need to additionally conduct ultrasound of other organs, particularly the thyroid gland. After all the tests the doctor can talk about treatment, because then the whole picture will become clear.
Prevention of menstrual disorders
An important role in women’s health play a vitamin and minerals. Therefore, the most important each woman is to establish your meals. The diet should have sufficient vitamins B1, B2, B6 and E, folic acid. Vitamins C, E and b, will improve coordination with the reproductive system. Vitamins are often prescribed as a non-hormonal therapy for restoring menstrual cycle in girls and women.
There are also a number of simple but highly effective measures for the prevention of disorders of the menstrual cycle. Thus, it is desirable to minimize casual sex, always use condoms. As preventive maintenance is required every six months to visit the gynecologist. And the habit to eat right and live a healthy lifestyle needs to be in the blood every girl from an early age. This will help to protect against disorders of the menstrual cycle.