The contents
The most common symptoms of menopausal syndrome
How to reduce the impact of menopause on the body?
Hot flashes during menopause
With the manifestations of climacteric syndrome of varying intensity and duration of face to 80% of women. To prevent or reduce the symptoms and negative effects of menopause will help in addition to drugs correction of lifestyle and diet. Magicforum figured outhow to change your lifestyle so menopause did not interfere.
The most common symptoms of menopausal syndrome
•hot flashes, sweating;
•psycho-emotional lability, anxiety, depression, sleep disorders;
•tachycardia, increased blood pressure, shortness of breath;
•dystrophic changes in the mucous membrane of the vagina, disorders of control of bladder and bowel;
•deterioration of memory, reduced mental productivity;
•increase of body weight;
•headache, dizziness.
Any medicines for menopause must appoint a physician based on the condition of women and its comorbidities. In any case you shouldn’t begin hormone replacement therapy.
How to reduce the impact of menopause on the body?
Physical activity
To maintain physical activity during menopause is necessary regardless of menopausal syndrome. Physical activity contributes to overall improvement, improvement of psychological status, normalize metabolism and strengthen bones and prevents the increase in body weight. The main thing with exercise — not the intensity, but regularity. Exercise must be given at least 30 minutes per day.
Recommended types of physical activity:
•morning exercises (warming up the joints, stretching);
Also suitable are the self-massage, rubbing body brush, douche.
Be sure to regularly visit the outdoors. It is important to remember that women in menopause are contraindicated prolonged exposure to the sun
Caloric intake should be reduced by 15-20%. It is advisable not to overeat, to eat every 3 hours a small amount of approved products.
From the diet should exclude white sugar, white bread and pastry, foods containing animal fats, margarine, confectionary fats. It should be possible to limit salt intake (about 5-7 g / day), fat and fried foods.
The basis of food should be vegetables and fruits, greens, whole grain products (bread, cereals), vegetable oil, fish (at least twice a week), lean meats.To prevent constipation daily dose of dietary fiber should be not less than 30 g. to prevent osteoporosis need to eat low-fat dairy products (milk, cheese, yogurt).
Recommended cooking methods: roasting, boiling, stewing, preparation in a double boiler and the grill.
It is advisable to include in the diet foods that contain plant estrogens: soy beans, tofu, lentils, chickpeas, nuts; different types of cabbage, carrots, parsley, garlic; ground or sprouted flax seeds; sprouted grains of wheat, rye; red grapes (with the peel).
Consume water needed in sufficient quantity.
Alcoholic drinks should be excluded, otherwise their dose at one time shall not exceed the amount equivalent to 20 g of alcohol (approximately one glass of wine).
Consumption of coffee and strong tea should also be limited, because they provoke hot flashes.
Hot flashes during menopause
The tidesis one of the most common symptoms in menopause. The woman feels a sudden rush of heat to the face, head and upper torso, which lasts from 30 seconds to 1-2 minutes and may be accompanied by tachycardia up to 130 beats./min for 1 min, with appearance of red spots on the neck and chest, headache and the like. At night, the woman feels like hot flashes excessive sweating. The number of hot flushes can vary from a few to 20-30 a day. They cause significant discomfort, provoke insomnia, give rise to stress and anxiety.
To reduce the frequency of the tidesto avoid the influence of factors that can provoke:
•increased temperature (heat on the street or indoors, saunas, fireplaces, room heaters);
•eating spicy and hot food, alcohol;
•the abuse of sugar.
Also recommended:
•do not wear clothes made of synthetic fabrics;
•adhere to the rules of personal hygiene;
•do not overwork;
•sleep (go to bed at the same time before bed to work, to eat, preferably outdoors in the fresh air);
•learn how to dose load, try not to rush;
•learn relaxation techniques (yoga, meditation).
To prevent hot flashes can a few SIPS of cold water, so it is advisable to have constantly at hand a bottle of water. To reduce the severity of the inflow may be blowing cool air fan, or the fan.
Violation of control of bladder and bowel
Due to the weakening of the pelvic floor muscles and decreased elasticity of the bladder women in menopause often complain of frequent urination, urine leakage while coughing and sneezing, constipation, inability to control intestinal gas.
To prevent constipationhelps diet with enough dietary fiber and water and regular physical activity. To resolve urinary incontinence during stress should regularly perform exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles — Kegel exercises. They consist of alternate contraction and relaxation of the muscles, lifting the anus; exercises should be done three times a day, repeat for 15-20 times, the duration of muscle contractions should be 5 sec.
During menopause a common problem is the bouts of tachycardia (a rapid heartbeat) that last from a few seconds to several minutes. They may be accompanied by strong pulsation in the chest and throat, tidal fever, dizziness, feeling of a pounding heart, shortness of breath, panic attacks or anxiety, weakness. Palpitations during menopause are normal, but if attacks occur frequently, you should consult a doctor to rule out serious cardiovascular disease.
Tachycardiausually is a signal that the body needs rest and relaxation, so you should stay, sit or lie down and breathe deeply: inhale through nose and exhale through the mouth for 5 minutes, the Seizures often arise after the consumption of coffee, alcohol or Smoking, so these effects should be avoided.
General recommendations for women during menopause:
•once every six months to visit the gynecologist and to make regular cytological examination of the cervix;
•once in two years to do a mammogram;
•take calcium and vitamin D to prevent osteoporosis;
•periodically performed to timely detect the first sign of osteoporosis;
•monitor blood pressure;
•to control the level of glucose in the blood;
•to control the level of cholesterol in the blood;
•to control the intraocular pressure to detect glaucoma.
Previously, scientists have proven that diet will not help you win extra weight during menopause.