Is it possible to be scared to death?

Fear will make the heart beat faster, let the body chill and breathless.A gasp: I was scared to death!Doctors say that truth in this expression is.

People with severe heart disease worse are experiencing a fear response, which includes reaction of the brain and of the organism as a whole. The reaction of the whole organism involves changes in the cardiovascular system, including high blood pressure and heart rate, and rapid release of stress hormones.

Fear can make your heart beat faster, the arteries to constrict and blood pressure to rise. According to the American heart Association, people with high blood pressure, as a rule, the more plaque in the arteries, as well as accumulations of fat and cholesterol. In a moment of extreme stress or fear, these plaques can rupture, which can cause a fatal heart attack or stroke. Therefore, people with chronic diseases, experts recommend avoiding situations that cause pressure surge, for example, certainly should refrain from visiting haunted houses.

Neprodolzhitelna psychological disorder or chronic stress can even affect zdorovoe heart over time, ultimately leading to death in some cases.

When we are afraid, our body produces cortisol, which affects metabolism and regulation of energy. In fact, the main stress hormone inhibits functions that are considered irrelevant in a situation of fight or flight. It alters immune reactions and tacceptabley digestive, reproductive system and growth processes.

Usually, when a moment of fear or any threat to be left behind, cortisol, adrenaline and other related risk hormones return to normal. But those who live in constant fear, the levels of these hormones remain elevated, increasing the risk of heart disease, sleep problems, anxiety, depression and a number of other health problems.

A study published in the journal JAMA Pediatrics in 2017, related to the correlation between violence in the area of residence and cell and biological stress in children. It was found that the facts nasiluyut on the physiological and cellular markers of stress, even in children.

However, fear can be useful. Some people visit a haunted house or watching a horror movie uplifting.

Fear in a safe environment activates the sympathetic nervous system, which triggers the body’s response to the threat. In these moments, our attention is focused on the present moment, and we forget about the experiences about the past or the future.

Frightening experience can enable a person to distract from the disturbing thoughts, and some even helps to improve stress resistance. For example, if you are watching the silence of the lambs, you can forget about the upcoming difficult conversation with your boss. Other potentially terrible situation not seem so awful when you are watching something more terrible.

But this experience is only useful for those who voluntarily accepts it. Those involved in the terrible event under pressure from friends or loved ones may experience a sense of shame or embarrassment, especially if you can’t pass the test to the end. Particularly vulnerable to the negative influence of fear children because they lack the cognitive mechanism that allows them to understand that a scary movie or haunted house is not real.