After year-long discussions, there is now clarity: The funds can be the cost of Gen-studies on the health of unborn children not to accept – but explicitly on a broad Front.
Pregnant women should get blood tests before birth to a Down’s syndrome child in the future under strict conditions by the statutory health insurance funds paid. The Federal Joint Committee (G-BA) of Doctors, insurance funds and the hospitals decided, as the Supreme decision-making body on Thursday in Berlin. Possible the new Fund performance is supposed to be but "only in justified Einzelfällen" for women with high-risk pregnancies after medical consultation and associated with certain mandatory information.
By the "very close Voraussetzungen" will clearly and unambiguously States that the blood test is not as ethically unacceptable "Screening" be used, said hedges, the G-BA Chairman Josef. Goal is, according to G to avoid BA, the risks of an otherwise necessary invasive amniocentesis, to come in as the worst complication of miscarriage can.
Advice " to;expressly ergebnisoffen" be
The advice given by the doctor " to;expressly ergebnisoffen" be. Also on the at any time " to;Right to Nichtwissen" test results will be pointed out.
Claim the new Fund, performance may not be so fast. First, it must decide, probably by the end of 2020, the G-BA still, as an accompanying information brochure should be designed. Also, the Federal Ministry of health must approve the resolutions as usual.
Blood tests are offered since 2012
Since 2012, the Pregnant woman’s blood be offered tests at their own expense, with which, among other things, it is investigated whether the child with Down syndrome would have on the world. They are considered to be risk-free compared to the for more than 30 years, the usual fruit, water tests, which are already cash performance.
In the case of a Down’s syndrome people in each cell will have one chromosome more than others. The chromosome 21 is present, hence the name trisomy 21. Are the consequences of physical abnormalities and a slowing of motor, mental and language development. Manifestations are very different.
Greens spokeswoman: this is not The end of the debate
The disability policy spokesman for the Greens in the Bundestag, Corinna Rüffer, had told the German press Agency before the decision of the Federal Committee, this will not be the end of the debate. "With a view to future Tests, we must set the limits and under the conditions of molecular-genetic testing in pregnancy – and that will do the Bundestag also."
Rüffer had initiated with the other members is already an open debate in the Parliament on ethical issues. This broad support for the recognition of testing as a cash performance was in April. But there were also warnings of the growing pressure on parents that lead to more abortions. Advice and support of people with disabilities would need to be significantly improved. Concrete applications were not initially introduced but still.
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