How to protect yourself from flu and viral infections?

The contents

Enhance immunity is the basis of prevention

Masks in the prevention of viral infections

The flu vaccine and SARS is a good alternative?

We all know that once is enough in life to have had chicken pox and the second time, this disease will not get sick. Exceptions, of course, there are always, 99% of people get strong immunity to the pathogen and not get chicken pox again.

About acute respiratory viral infectionsthis is not to say, some people suffer from them every year, some several times a year, more persistent – one every few years. But those who would not more at all, probably simply no.

However, this is not surprising, because the viruses that cause the development of this disease are highly changeable, spreading rapidly through airborne droplets, sensitivity to him is almost one hundred percent, that’s the result – all sick, just with different frequency. Magicforum find out everything you need to know about SARS.

To hurt none of us want, so the question arises, how can protect themselves from viral infections?Let’s try to understand what you need to do, and try to understand whether it is possible to be fully protected from viruses, from year to year affecting our lives?

Enhance immunity is the basis of prevention

That the organism was able to defend itself from viral infection, it is necessary to increase immunity. And it should be done not only before the season to a viral infection, and from day to day, only then can we expect some kind of result.

That include measures to improve immunity:

1. Proper nutrition with enough vitamins.

2. Regular hardening.

3. The rejection of bad habits.

4. Sufficient physical activity.

5. Regular exercise and exposure to fresh air.

Do not forget that stress and mental tension always cause suppression of immune defense, therefore, the overvoltage on the job, the constant excitement, stress in personal life or failure in business or professional field – all this increases the risk of Contracting SARS, or influenza.

Let’s not forget that the immune system is largely determined by heredity, underlying medical conditions, environmental conditions and many other factors. In other words, to fight for a good immune system should be, but to affect all the components that influence it, we simply can not. And radically change the way your life can be one.

Masks in the prevention of viral infections

Wearing masks, of course, reduces the risk of any viral infection, including influenza. But keep in mind that wearing the mask constantly, including at work, at home, in public transport and even on the streets. To change the mask should be every three hours, otherwise it just will not perform its protective function.

And if you wear a mask during flu epidemic can still be justified, then in any other time – not really, it’s not live all your life in a mask, changing it every three hours? However, the risk of Contracting a viral infection is always there, not only during epidemics.

Thus, the mask is effective, but extremely inconvenient method of protection that can be justified only during the height of infection or if a person is sick and does not want to infect others. To wear the mask even during the week, while the virus remains in the body, you can, but wear it all the time will not be one.

The flu vaccine and SARS is a good alternative?

If you make your immune system not perfect, wearing a mask continuously is not an option, how to protect yourself from viral infections and influenza in particular? Doctors recommend during the season of infection is garlic, onion, eat more lemon, some honey and not SuperCool. Reasonable recommendations to enhance immunity, but does not guarantee complete protection from infection.

One of the fairly frequent recommendations is the application of vaccines against viral infections. I have to say that to be vaccinated against rhinovirus, adenovirus infection or parainfluenza absolutely no sense, they are often nobody spends. Apply, as a rule, flu shots that are taken before the epidemic. The use of such vaccination is deemed to be justified due to the fact that the flu often leads to serious complications, including severe viral pneumonia and is accompanied by high mortality.

The problem is that the flu virus is very changeable, what actually is the cause of the nearly annual epidemics. Therefore, the vaccination to a particular strain doesn’t guarantee full stability of the virus. As long as the virus gets to your body, he can change this much, which will cause the development of the disease.

It turns out that to fully protect themselves from infection does not, and if such method was, it would have already been all used. In practice, it is necessary to try to increase the immunity of the methods that are available to you, in times of epidemics to wear a mask, if possible, altogether out of the country during viral infections to be in a warmer climate. Of course, the likelihood of SARS flight does not exclude, however, the risk reduces significantly.

Unfortunately, the majority of our compatriots not only can not fly out of the country, but cannot take advantage of many other methods of virus protection, or simply doesn’t want to lead an active lifestyle, eat right and strengthen your immune system hardening and sports. Stress also delete does not work and masks many to apply simply too lazy, as for vaccination, not all are confident in its effectiveness, and many are afraid of the complications, it turns out that the prevalence of SARS is so high.

May save yourself a hundred from viral infections and should not be, but to do what is in your power, certainly you can, so don’t give up hope, lead a healthy lifestyle, exercise regularly and you will notice how much less will hurt!

Previously doctors have called a method that will allow you to protect yourself from infections.