How thin people get type II diabetes

And yet thin people can get type II diabetes, how to remind doctors. The main reason for this phenomenon is that they lean only on the outside but not inside.

There is a widespread view that type II diabetes is threatening only to people with excess weight. Indeed, obesity is one of the main risk factors of this metabolic disorder along with a sedentary lifestyle, but thin people also can be ill with diabetes. The doctors explained that seemingly slender people may have a very small byenabling fat, but they face serious problems in the control of blood sugar levels. How can you explain this?

When measuring weight, we often operate with only one indicator – body mass index (BMI). In fact, it is not always correctly reflects the level of fat in the body. For example, sports people may have large muscle mass to have a BMI that indicates obesity. In reality, nothing of the kind had not, and his weight fully reflects the picture of a healthy body. In contrast, another person may be a deficit of BMI, but he is at risk in connection with the threat of developing diabetes. This is due to the large amount of internal fat that envelops the organs.

The amount of this fat can only be assessed at the detailed scan by MRI imaging or densitometry. External measurement is not so accurate, but most often should pay close attention to the waist. Its size should be less than half the length of your growth. Incidentally, the internal or visceral fat to human health is considered more dangerous than subcutaneous, and this also should not be forgotten. (READ MORE)