Heart surgery. Coronary bypass was required in the 39 years

Like most young men who lead an active lifestyle, I couldn’t even imagine that at 39 I need is a serious heart operation. And what is the main reason for this will become diabetes, says the entrepreneur from Vinnitsa George Kosmin before discharge from the cardiac surgery Center Dobrobut, where he underwent multi-vessel coronary artery bypass grafting minimally invasive way Nachev through a small intercostal incision of the shunt.

The first stroke happened to George in 35 years. Ill and caught in his chest. Went to the hospital was immediately hospitalized and began to put the drip. A couple of weeks to go. Everything calmed down and I returned to normal life. And to calm down, as I see it now, it was impossible, said the man.

After two and a half years the seizures returned, and squeezed already so strong that it was immediately clear: this is serious. On examination at the National Institute of cardiovascular surgery them. N. Amosova George found multivessel disease of the arteries of the heart. Decided to treat it with medication, but the disease progressed rapidly, and a year later it was about the operation. If in 2017 coronary angiography showed that in one place the vessel in a patient’s heart overlapped by 75 %, the second 49 %, in the third to 23 % in 2018, as to the numbers scare: 100 %, 99 % and 80 %, respectively. In this case, heart surgery multi-vessel coronary artery bypass grafting, already the only way, explains the cardiologist cardiosurgery Center Dobrobut Kateryna Revenko.

Coronary heart disease: diabetes a serious risk factor

The survey, which George took place in the last year and a half, found that coronary heart disease (CHD) in young men progressing to diabetes mellitus. In 2014, during the first manifestation of heart problems, this connection is not revealed. Normal blood sugar did not show abnormalities. And talking about diabetes has gone only during the second exacerbation of heart disease.

The cases when the organism there are violations of carbohydrate metabolism, but the blood sugar does not show an increase in the content of glucose in the blood, are not rare. Therefore, in order not to miss the beginning of such a serious disease as diabetes, and time to begin to control glucose levels, I recommend all my patients to take a blood test for glycated hemoglobin. This study allows to determine the average blood sugar over a long period (three to four months), in contrast to conventional blood sugar, showing the level of glucose only at the time of the study. By the way, to 35 years, the analysis of glycated hemoglobin have to do all, without exception, every three years, after 35, every two years, after 55 years annually, says cardiologist Kateryna Revenko.

Why cardiologists pay so much attention to diabetes and how is it related to IBS? The fact that diabetes is a serious blow to the blood vessels, including the vessels of the heart. And ischemic heart disease caused by vascular lesions of the myocardium. People with diabetes the risk of CHD is three to five times higher than in people with normal carbohydrate metabolism. Often the disease occurs in severe form. In this type of diabetes is irrelevant because the vascular lesions of the myocardium in diabetes depends more how long the body glucose is elevated and not on the severity of the disease. If to control blood sugar levels, the risk of heart problems in people with diabetes is markedly reduced.

Minimally invasive coronary artery bypass surgery the best solution for patients with diabetes

Have diabetes many consequences. And one of the problems with bone fusion and healing. For patients of cardiac surgery hospital is a serious challenge, because if heart surgery was performed through large 25-inch incision in the sternum, due to problems with the sternum and the wound rehabilitation may be delayed for many months.

Fortunately, in modern medicine, we can significantly reduce the risk of complications and significantly facilitate and accelerate the patient’s recovery, says the heart surgeon, head of cardiac surgery Centre Dobrobut Alexander Babiak. To cope with the task of helping us minimally invasive cardiac surgery, in which surgeons no longer need to cut the breast bone for most open-heart surgery, including such interventions as multi-vessel coronary artery bypass surgery, today is quite small, less than 7 cm, cut between the ribs. That is, once removed serious in the case of diabetes the problem with fusion of the sternum. Not to mention the fact that minimally invasive surgery is a whole lot less stress for the body.

Yes, I was lucky that Ukraine is already a technique that allows to do multi-vessel coronary artery bypass surgery without cutting the breast bone. I hope you’re lucky in everything else I recover quickly after the surgery and soon return to normal life. By the way, doctors say that the office work will be ready in a couple weeks. Judging by the fact that today is the sixth day after bypass surgery, and I feel great and ready to go by car from Kiev to Vinnitsa, this deadline is absolutely real, says George.