Easiest way to treat hypertension

Treatment of high blood pressure usually involves reducing sodium intake and increasing physical activity, but scientists from the U.S. found that to meet these requirements is optional. Getting rid of the hypertension promotes receiving beta-hydroxybutyric acid, said scientific experts from the University of Toledo.

As reported in a press release on MedicalXpress, beta-hydroxybutyric acid (BOMC) is synthesized in the liver in the metabolism of fatty acids. Scientists conducted experiments with mice that had received 1.3-butandiol, transformed in the liver in BOMC. It was found that while taking this Supplement decreased the level of inflammation in the kidney, associated with increasing pressure.

Thus, stated the experts, “supplements containing beta-hydroxybutyric acid, help to get rid of hypertension, which causes serious cardiovascular diseases.”

Now you need to verify that this principle is not only for animals but for people. If indeed it is confirmed that people with high blood pressure characteristic of a deficit, BOMC, scientists will have to determine how much beta-hydroxybutyric acid will be needed for successful treatment of hypertension. Yet experts say that to protect from high blood pressure, BMC actively produced by the liver at a reasonable calorie deficit.

Earlier Magicforum wrote about the fact that scientists had determined the main principle of life extension – he was associated with vitamin provision of the organism.