Common antibiotic destroys the cells of the human body

Known antibiotic ciprofloxacin is from the fluoroquinolone group destroys the genome of the most important cellular structures of mitochondria. To such conclusion scientists from the University of Eastern Finland, reports portal Magicforum.

Mitochondria are responsible for providing cells with energy. According to Finnish experts, ciprofloxacin leads to disruption of mitochondrial energy production and blockage of cell growth. This can lead to inflammation of the joint tissues leading to their breakup. In addition, the effect of the antibiotic may be a manifestation of serious neurotic disorders — sensorimotor polyneuropathy. As a result of this disease affects peripheral nerves, manifested a number of unhealthy symptoms.

Drugs of the fluoroquinolone group is one of the most commonly used antibacterial drugs of wide spectrum of action. They can be administered for respiratory diseases, urinary and ear infections. While more secure counterparts there.

According to Finnish scientists, their research gives the message that antibiotics should not be used unless absolutely necessary.