6 possible symptoms of a blood clot

Blood clots are a deadly threat to humans. These clots are formed in the lumen of blood vessels or in the cavity of the heart and can cause heart attacks, strokes, and heart attacks. Most often, the occurrence of blood clots associated with blood composition changes over the age of 35 years.

The doctors talked about what symptoms indicate a possible blood clot.

The first symptom: swelling of one extremity. According to doctors, swelling vegah should never be considered a trifle. Swelling in only one foot says about a possible deterioration in the supply of blood to the vital internal organs. Usually this happens when deep vein thrombosis.

The second symptom: pain nogah. Frequent pain pokalyvanie in the lower parts of the legs, cramps are another signal about the already existing human deep vein thrombosis.

The third symptom: red stripes nakage.Seeing the strange red skin polyprolene veins, do not hesitate to contact Curaco. These stripes are warm to the touch.

The fourth symptom: pain ugrade. The pain of lipocalin ugrade with a deep breath, a possible signal the body that the clot appeared legkih.

The fifth symptom: shortness of breath. If shortness of breath occurs “from scratch”, without increased loadings, it may also specify nascosti blood around the lungs. In particular, even if there are moments of dizziness.

The sixth symptom: cough. In those cases, when the cough for no reason, and he is accompanied by possible pain ugrade risboy heartbeat, you need to see a doctor.

Earlier Magicforum wrote about what simple ways can help to dissolve blood clots.