Newborn children are prone to dangerous disease

Russian scientists have established that newborn infants have a high risk of thrombosis – disorders in which the blood vessels inside formiruyutsya that hinder the free movement of blood.

Violation of the blood coagulation system is one of the main causes of death in newborns, or they receive a disability – to such conclusion came experts of the Center for theoretical problems of physicochemical pharmacology, Russian Academy of Sciences, conducted the research problems together with their Russian colleagues. The scientists compared the characteristics of blood clotting in adults and newborns, as well as in full-term and nadanusandhana.

The researchers ‘ work has shown that the hemostatic system of infants differs from the same process in the blood of adults, infants are more vulnerable to the risk of formation in the blood vessels of blood clots. But the strongest susceptibility to thrombosis demonstrated premature infants.

“Any complication to prematurity can cause a disruption of hemostasis and, as a consequence, the increased frequency of thrombosis and bleeding,” stated the authors of the project.
According to experts, observed their differences in hemostasis in adults and newborns was surprisingly more substantial than they had expected to see. What causes are responsible for this difference remains to be seen.

Homeostasis is a biological system in the body, whose function is to maintain the liquid state of the blood, stop bleeding in injuries of the walls of blood vessels and dissolution of blood clots.

Renamedialog wrote about the fact that children after the age of 7 years do not need a Mantoux test.