Women every month waiting for “these days” and are happy that they started on schedule, without delays. But still, we all know these constant throbbing and spasmodic pain that come with them. The cause of the pain that your uterus contracts to help push out the layer of the epidermis in the course of your period. Hormone-like substances called prostaglandins, which are partly to blame for pain and inflammation, and cause contraction of the muscles of the uterus. Thus, higher levels of prostaglandins are associated with more severe menstrual cramps. Some women seizures may even interfere with work, study or go about their daily business. About three out of four women experience menstrual pain, and one in ten women experiencing severe cramps.
You are probably familiar with the pain during periods. You may also experience pain in the middle of your cycle during ovulation.
Magicforum decided to find out what causes and alleviates cramps?
What causes menstrual cramps?
Studies show that the pain associated with the menstrual cycle, caused by prostaglandins- hormone-like substances that help the endometrium to come out.
If you have premenstrual cramps, the start time of the convulsions will usually be about the same, but they can vary in intensity from cycle to cycle. It is unclear what causes pain during ovulation. This may be due to the rupture of the ovarian follicle, but in any case, it is also a natural pain. It can be felt on one side — where is the ovary, from which came the egg.
How to relieve menstrual cramps
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugssuch as ibuprofen, block the production of prostaglandins and have been shown to be effective analgesic during menstruation. This is the first medicines to which you should pay attention.
There are also data on methods of pain relief, not associated with pharmaceuticals. It was shown that the heat (e.g., heat cushion or hot water bottle) is as effective as NSAIDs and aspirin.
Also studied herbal remedies, exercise, dietary changes and acupuncture, although the results were promising, it requires more research, doctors may not recommend these methods because it is not so clear.
Some people may use a hormonal contraceptive to relieve and prevent menstrual cramps. However, it is worth doing only if your doctor will prescribe this treatment.
What is menstrual pain is “normal”?
Familiarity with the symptoms of pain is useful when you suspect that something might be wrong. It is important to understand which menstrual pain is the norm for you, and what is deviation.
Severe cramps or chronic pelvic pain can be a symptom of endometriosis . The pain experienced by people with endometriosis differs from normal menstrual cramps and includes allocations endometriodnoy tissue that grows outside of the uterus. This tissue responds to hormonal fluctuations in the body in exactly the same way as the endometrium that can grow, bleed and irritate the surrounding tissue. It can create an inflammatory environment and to stimulate the growth of adhesions.
If you still believe that your pain is a variant of the norm, you can start to fight.
Methods of dealing with pain during menstruation
1. The exerciseI
This may seem a bit crazy and you might think — Yes, I can barely move, not to mention exercise . However, brisk walking or any kind of physical activity can help ease abdominal pain. When you do any aerobic exercise, your body is actively pumping blood; it helps to release endorphins to counteract the prostaglandins and reduce your cramps. Exercise three to four times a week is good for the overall health of your body, but this is especially important if you’re prone to painful menstrual cramps.
2. Keep warmthe belly
Heat helps to relax the constricting muscles in the uterus that is causing your pain. There are many heating devices, they can be rubber or electric, choose the one that suits you. And even the use of a standard plastic bottle with hot water and applying it to the abdomen is an alternative, if you don’t have warmers.
3. Drink camomile tea
Research published in the journal of agriculture and chemistry has shown that fragrant tea can relieve pain. “Commonly used natural products really do contain chemicals that can have a healing effect,” says Elaine Holmes, PhD, a member of the Imperial College London. The study showed that chamomile leads to an increase in hippurate, which is a natural anti-inflammatory. Anti-inflammatory drugs help reduce the production of prostaglandins, which relieves menstrual cramps.
4. Make sure you get enough vitamin D
Prevention is always better than cure, so make sure your body has enough vitamin D, it is important to prevent menstrual cramps. The study showed that high doses of vitamin D led to a significant reduction in menstrual cramps. As reported Health.com , “40 Italian women were split into two groups: one received a single oral dose of 300,000 IU of vitamin D3, while the other received a placebo five days before the anticipated start of the menstrual cycle.” In the first group the pain decreased by 41 percent, whereas in the placebo group there were no changes in the pain scale.
5. Get orgasm
Yes, that’s right – orgasms help to relieve all kinds of pain, including menstrual cramps. Before orgasm uterus is more relaxed, and at the moment of climax increases blood flow, which helps relieve cramps. Bodies relieve pain through release of endorphins that help you feel instantly better. They also help to relax your body.
6. Acupuncture
Acupuncture is part of traditional Chinese medicine that involves piercing the skin with small needles to stimulate certain points. Researchers from the Oriental hospital Medical center of Kyung Hee University in South Korea found that acupuncture may have a positive impact on menstrual cramps.
Previously, scientists identified five tips that can help beat the heat.