5 everyday habits that destroy health

Paramedics called some habits, typical to almost everyone. These habits, according to experts, can gradually destroy a person health.

One of such habits is the use of plastic containers. Food, kotolahdentie in such containers, may absorb chemical substances, which are components of plastic. It is scientifically proven that these substances affect the hormonal system and reproductive health. It is especially dangerous to put in plastic containers of hot food.

What do you think when looking at in the mirror his reflection in the morning? Scientists believe that the use of the mirror diacritically body image is very bad – it is a blow to self-esteem, and with constant repetition can be seriously damaged psyche. Nadmozg very sensitive, the researchers note. Must be able to see first and foremost their dignity.

Also harmful in the morning to climb scrosati negativnye thoughts. According to psychologists, thinking is an important factor in determining how people will react to raznositsya in one day. You need to withseparate positive energy and appreciate his life for the good that is in it.

It is dangerous to skip meals – don’t do it, even if you want to lose weight. Thanks to regular, although reasonable meals organisme regulated by metabolism. Hungry pause encourage the body to store energy for future use, that is hard to accumulate fat.

Another common, but very harmful habit to use electronic gadgets to poochera. Gadgets reduce the production of melatonin, the sleep regulating hormone. The result is trouble falling asleep and sleep quality. Scientists remind us that you continue to suffer problems can contribute to impaired immunity, to the development of heart disease.

Earlier Magicforum wrote about what products affect the body as a sedative.