An impending magnetic storm will cause ailments

Another magnetic storm approaching Earth. 19 Oct it will be weak, October 20 will increase.

Experts warn that many people cosmic phenomenon can cause deterioration of psycho-emotional health, provoke apathy and depression, tearfulness. But there are opposite disorders are the outbreaks of anger and aggression. This is due to the fact that during magnetic oscillation dramatically decreases the level in the body of “hormone of happiness” serotonin.

The upcoming storm is estimated at five points. Atmospheric disturbances such forces can affect the condition of people suffering from hypertension and cardiovascular disorders. Can badly feel and people with chronic illnesses.

To restore tone in these days can help gentle exercise – walking, walking outdoors, yoga, breathing exercises. Active training and exercises power in periods of magnetic storms is contraindicated, it may overstrain the heart.

Also lift your mood and help you feel better Goodies, so I can afford the chocolate, piece of cake, ice cream. In addition, doctors recommend eating fruits such as bananas, dates, persimmons or red apples, drinking compotes and fruit drinks.

Earlier Magicforum wrote about what rules should be followed in the days of magnetic storms to maintain good health.