Oddly enough, milk is like alcohol ambiguously evaluated by scientists. Many experts say that this product can be both beneficial and harmful, depending on the individual characteristics that affect its absorption.
Therapists called the health problems that provokes regularnie milk consumption. For example, according to them, milk promotes greater fragility of the bone tissue and increases the propensity for osteoporosis. Do not take milk as an indispensable source of calcium, experts say. They suggest to look for this mineral in other products, especially of plant origin.
In addition, scientists claim that lactose in milk is a food in cases of ovarian tumors, and therefore women should not get carried away its use. The milk has the ability to stimulate growth of fat cells – there are too many fatty acids omega-6.
Some people drink milk because of the protein contained therein detrimental effect on the kidneys. In those cases, when the body is not too good at digesting animal protein, milk can lead to propagation of fatty plaques, which could lead to incidence of colon cancer.
In addition, people often inherent allergic to protein from milk (by the way, not all victims of allergies are aware of that). Drinking raw milk can lead to tuberculosis and anthrax due to contact with bacteria.
Some scientific studies have shown that the more a person drinks cow’s milk in childhood, the higher the risk of diabetes in adult life. It should be remembered that milk causes problems in the intestines and can cause constipation.
Earlier Magicforum wrote that scientists had discovered a new useful side daily use of water.