The contents
Myth # 1: the best workout in the morning
Myth # 2: fitness helps to fight the aging
Myth # 3: fitness the best way to lose weight
Myth # 4: due to poor metabolism appears overweight
Myth # 5: weight training turns fat into muscle
Myth # 6: after a couple of weeks, you can lose weight
Myth No. 7: health say body mass index
Myth # 8: food diary will help there right
Myth # 9: the marathon is the best kind of running
Myth No. 10: the more sweat left during a workout, the better
When people want to get rid of the hated kilograms and attain a beautiful shape, they immediately devote themselves to the training, start to eat right. However, it often happens that before reaching the desired result, people lose motivation. To avoid this, you need to follow certain tips. Today we published the 10 recommendations that follow are not worth it.
Myth # 1: the best workout in the morning
People are convinced that training in the morning, and even on an empty stomach is the best it can be for weight loss. And the reason for such beliefs no. After all, nutritionists and trainers know: you must train when the person feels best. So the body is fully ready for the loads that await him in the next couple of hours. In particular it depends on biological rhythms. For example, “owl” will be to feel comfortable in the gym in the evenings, but “lark” in fact may be easier to train in the morning. And the most important question in this sequence. In other words, if you are accustomed to do at 21:00, to this rule you need to adhere to always.
Myth # 2: fitness helps to fight the aging
In fact, regular exercise helps to rejuvenate not only the body but also the brain. One recent study conducted in 2018, proves it. The tests were carried out on the elderly. It turned out that those who moved had fewer markers of disorders of the heart in blood than their less active peers.
Myth # 3: fitness the best way to lose weight
Fitness can be a great way to lose weight, but the load must be intense. So the truth in this statement all the same. However, you have to seriously work hard: because to spend on exercise you will need more than you ate during the day. After all, calorie deficit is the secret of ideal weight loss. Of course, to achieve a good result will not work without proper nutrition, avoiding harmful habits and observance of balance of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.
Myth # 4: due to poor metabolism appears overweight
It is believed that the metabolism with age begins to worsen and the consequence is overweight. Actually metabolism does not affect the burning of calories after 30 years. It found experts from the National Institute of health, USA. This means that with age, the weight increases due to slowing of metabolism. Scientists say that cause of fat on the belly can be a decline in overall activity. So the solution in this case will be the sport and physical activity.
Myth # 5: weight training turns fat into muscle
In fact, nothing in the world capable of turning fat into muscle — no exercise, no proper nutrition. They are two completely different tissues. Adipose tissue located under the skin, she squeezed between the muscles or surrounds the internal organs. Muscle is throughout the body. As for training, using the power, you can only build muscle but not lose fat, and certainly not to turn it into muscle. To reduce fatty tissue, you should adhere to a balanced diet.
Myth # 6: after a couple of weeks, you can lose weight
Depending on the condition of the body the result can come as a month and six months. The first results weight loss it is not necessary to wait earlier than four weeks. Although many, of course, expect that the reflection in the mirror will change in a day. In fact, the body needs at least two weeks to adjust to a new way of life, and then to start losing weight.
Myth No. 7: health say body mass index
The body mass index (BMI) can really assess the General state of health, but this figure has long been considered obsolete. Experts claim that the waist measurement may be more indicative in terms of health, as the amount of fat around it tells about the condition of the heart. This is directly related to the risk of cognitive impairment and diabetes.
Myth # 8: food diary will help there right
In fact, no attempt to organize the food on paper will not succeed without proper desires. A food diary can of course organize your life. But this is only counting calories. Unfortunately, there is no escape from the desire to eat something harmful. You have to be ready for it. In order to maintain a food diary to be effective, it is necessary not only to count calories, but to understand why you do it. In conjunction with the training process you can get a great result.
Myth # 9: the marathon is the best kind of running
Marathons exist for professionals who are preparing for it one week. The person who only gets involved in sports or working at the Amateur level, you shouldn’t overwork your body. Numerous studies show that Jogging for five to ten minutes can be much more useful than an hour spent on a treadmill. Therefore, we should not think that marathon is a panacea.
Myth No. 10: the more sweat left during a workout, the better
For centuries the opinion that along with it turns out fat. So exercise where the person begins to sweat heavily, is perceived as something very effective in the fat burning. In fact it is not. Sweat is not excreted from our body. It is also proven that it is not always good when stands out too much sweat. The fact that it can deteriorate the health and well-being.