Although it was already known that food with lots of seafood, including sea fish, can help slow aging, it was unclear why. The journal BMJ spoke about the study of scientists from the U.S., which confirmed that the consumption of seafood really gives anti-aging effect and also helped to make important conclusions about the effects on the body fatty acids.
The authors of the new study, specialists from Harvard University, got the data, lets look at sea foods in new ways. Scientists have concluded that to resist the aging body with the help of specific fatty acids.
How I was able to install the Harvard experts, the three types of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid DPA, DHA and EPA – can give the most powerful anti-aging effect. These acids are found in fish oil and fish, many seafood.
Earlier, scientists found that older people who frequently consume fish and seafood on average live two years longer than other people, and 30% less likely to die from heart attacks. This time experts were able to ensure that pensioners in the body which contained a lot of EPA, 24% less likely to suffer from heart attacks, strokes and serious illness. If in addition in the blood had high levels of another acid, DHA, the risk of these diseases declined additional 18-21%.
Magicforum previously wrote about which fruits are the best to prolong life.